The Best Tips for fresh breath all day

Tips for fresh breath all day

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Did you know that the average  keep your breath fresh all day human body has about 2 square meters (21.5 square feet ) of the skin ? On top of that , will produce about get fresh breath all day 1 liter of sweat per day This may seem like a lot to maintain, but gestational hygiene habits can help you stay healthy. Hand washing , for example, is the best way to avoid sick.Washing your face can help reduce the risk  get fresh breath all day of bacterial infections such as trachea  keep your breath fresh all day, an eye infection how to get good breath.

 Good hygiene is good for more than just carry bacteria and other potentially dangerous things - it also helps us to smell fresh and feel confident. How? Let's look at five easy how to get good breath ways get fresh breath all day .

Using deodorant and antiperspirant

Square meters (21.5 square feet )   keep your breath fresh all day of the skin get fresh breath all day ? On top of that , will produce about 1 liter of sweat per day This may seem like a lot to maintain, but gestational hygiene habits can help you stay healthy how to get good breath. Hand washing , for example, is the best way to avoid sick.Washing your face can help reduce  get fresh breath all day keep your breath fresh all day the risk of bacterial infections such as trachea, an eye infection.

 Good hygiene is good for more than just carry get fresh breath all day bacteria and other potentially dangerous things - it also helps us to smell fresh and feel confident how to get good breath. How? Let's look at five easy ways  keep your breath fresh all day.

This is another tool we use to keep you feeling fresh throughout the day antiperspirant . Americans spend about $ 2.5 billion a year keep your breath fresh all day on antiperspirants and deodorants, and almost all of us, adults use these products at least once a day get fresh breath all day
But first : antiperspirants and deodorants are not the same . Connect antiperspirants their sweat pores to stop , while masking the body odor deodorant perfume . If you want to keep your dry shirt , try an antiperspirant. To hide the smell keep your breath fresh all day , choose deodorant. Some products contain one or the other get fresh breath all day ; Some products contain both. Personal preference will dictate the best for you.

Brush and Floss

The bad news ? An estimated 40 million people have bad breath get fresh breath all day  keep your breath fresh all day. The good news ? Daily oral hygiene practices , including brushing and flossing will help keep your breath fresh and keep your teeth and gums healthy get fresh breath all day. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth two or three times a day. They also how to get good breath emphasize the importance of flossing every day  keep your breath fresh all day. And if you have not tried it, consider using a tongue scraper : tongue scrapers help remove any residue that may be hidden in the nooks get fresh breath all day and crannies of the language, which means less waste and the least likely to be one of 40 million  keep your breath fresh all day.

Wear clean clothes every day

Gallery of Men Health
Clothes may be dirty with more than you can imagine  keep your breath fresh all day, hosting and potentially dangerous for normal fecal bacteria and viruses get fresh breath all day. We sweat in clothing, if your training equipment or office outfit  keep your breath fresh all day , and can make you feel like sweat . Without proper sanitation and frequent how to get good breath, some of these bacteria can persist for weeks  keep your breath fresh all day (although when it comes to jeans , some suggest that the wear and tear rather than wash and use the approach get fresh breath all day, recommending jeans washed at least once a month ) keep your breath fresh all day .

If this is the sweat that you care , natural fibers such as cotton and wool are always a good choice. Lana, for example, is quick to wick sweat away and defends against bacterial  keep your breath fresh all day overgrowth (which can cause body odor ) naturally. And the smell of feet? Wash your feet every day and dry them wear socks made from natural fibers  keep your breath fresh all day ( such as cotton ) rather than synthetic products get fresh breath all day, which can worsen the problem with sweaty , smelly feet.
Smelling fresh , is more than clothes, so keep reading  keep your breath fresh all day .

Shower Room

A daily shower is part of the ritual for many Americans. It reduces stress  keep your breath fresh all day, clean dirt and leaves a pleasant smell. Take a shower every day ( or bath ) help wash away the dirt of the day, but swimmers should be careful. Shower can strip also normal good bacteria , our skin . And how to get good breath a hot shower can dry the skin get fresh breath all day, which puts   keep your breath fresh all day them at risk of infection. If you shower daily help you feel clean and fresh for the day , be brief and use warm water instead of hot  keep your breath fresh all day .

Clean up your diet

So we know that good hygiene, including keeping your own body - hair and teeth and feet skin - can help you feel clean all day how to get good breath . But you can help you feel fresh all day  keep your breath fresh all day , every day , while eliminating certain foods from your diet.
Some foods make us stink. Main dishes like curry and chili peppers may be to blame, as are foods like garlic and onions , cruciform's vegetables ( like broccoli )   keep your breath fresh all day and some types of cheese. These foods contain aromatic volatile  how to get good breath organic compounds that are often the culprit . Feel garlic Italian  keep your breath fresh all day breakfast you had? It is aromatic volatile organic compounds that are released get fresh breath all day as part of our sweat  keep your breath fresh all day .

You Must be Healthy diet when pregnant

Should I eat differently now that I'm pregnant?
Now that you are one healthy diet while pregnant , it is important that  healthy pregnant diet the mother - to-be to eat well. This will ensure that you get all the nutrients you and your developing baby needs Healthy diet when pregnant.

If your diet is poor to begin with, it is even more important to ensure that you have a healthy diet now . You need more healthy pregnant diet vitamins and minerals , including folic acid and iron Healthy diet when pregnant.

Need a little more calories during pregnancy as well Healthy diet when pregnant. Make your food law for pregnancy is more about how what  healthy pregnant diet you eat Healthy diet when pregnant. Limit junk food because it has a lot of calories with little or no nutrients healthy diet while pregnant.

Eat a variety of foods from the different food groups every day Healthy diet when pregnant :

Milk and dairy products: skim milk , yogurt / curd , buttermilk ( coach ) , cottage cheese ( pander ) . These foods are rich in calcium, protein and vitamin B-12. Talk to your doctor about what to eat if you are lactose intolerant .
Cereals , whole grains, deals , legumes and nuts : they are a good source  healthy diet while pregnant protein if you do not eat meat. Vegetarians need about 45 grams of walnuts and 2/ 3 of a cup of legumes for protein each day. An egg is considered equivalent to about 28 grams of meat Healthy diet when pregnant , chicken or fish 14 g of nuts, or ¼ cup of legumes Healthy diet when pregnant.
Vegetables: These provide vitamins , minerals and fiber.
Meat, fish and poultry Healthy diet when pregnant : provide concentrated  healthy pregnant diet protein Healthy diet when pregnant .

Fluids: Drink plenty of fluids , especially water and natural juices Healthy diet when pregnant. Be sure to drink boiled water or filtered clean healthy diet while pregnant. Bring your own water when out of the house, or buy bottled water from a reputable brand healthy pregnant diet . Most diseases are caused by water-borne virus Healthy diet when pregnant. Drink plenty of bottled juices , as they have a high sugar content .
Fats and Oils : Ghee , butter, coconut milk and oil are high in saturated fats Healthy diet when pregnant, which are not very healthy . Pantsuit Oil is rich in trans fatty acids Healthy diet when pregnant, which are as bad for you as saturated fats healthy diet while pregnant. A vegetable fat source is because these oils contain more unsaturated fats.

Dairy products and marine fish and dizzied salt or sea salt are good sources of iodine. A large amount of iodine is needed in your diet to help your baby's development Healthy diet when pregnant.
I need to eat more now that I'm pregnant  healthy diet while pregnant?
Although everyone advises you to eat for two healthy pregnant diet , the average woman does not need extra calories during the first six months of pregnancy Healthy diet when pregnant. Your body actually becomes healthy diet while pregnant more efficient at extracting energy and nutrients from your diet when you are pregnant Healthy diet when pregnant.

Although recent research suggests that a pregnant mother needs only 200 extra calories a day in your last trimester , most doctors recommend 300 extra calories Healthy diet when pregnant per day in the second and third quarters healthy diet while pregnant.

But you may need more or less calories if you were underweight or overweight before pregnancy or are pregnant with more than one baby . Your doctor may recommend the number of calories that is best for you during your pregnancy Healthy diet when pregnant.

You can add an  Healthy diet when pregnant healthy diet while pregnant additional 200 calories to your daily diet :

2 roots without ghee
One plain doss with coconut chutney Tablespoon of coconut
Two bananas
2 scrambled eggs

Your own appetite is the best indication healthy diet while pregnant of the amount of food you need to eat and can fluctuate during pregnancy include:

In the first few weeks , you may not want to eat proper meals , especially if you suffer from nausea or sickness. So try to eat, but more often throughout the day smaller meals .
In the central part of your pregnancy Healthy diet when pregnant, your appetite may return Healthy diet when pregnant. You may be hungry and want to eat more than usual healthy pregnant diet .
Towards the end of your pregnancy, your appetite will likely increase healthy diet while pregnant. If you suffer from heartburn, heartburn or a feeling of fullness after eating  Healthy diet when pregnant, it may be helpful to have small frequent meals find .

The best rule is to eat when hungry , and make healthy foods instead of high calorie foods with little nutritional value.
Are there foods I should not eat during pregnancy?
There are certain foods that you have to keep away Healthy diet when pregnant from pregnancy because it could  healthy diet while pregnant be dangerous for your baby:

Raw ( buffalo or cow's milk ) and dairy products made from raw milk that are not safe during pregnancy milk. They are more likely to contain bacteria that could give you food poisoning . You are more vulnerable to food poisoning during pregnancy healthy pregnant diet. While eating out Healthy diet when pregnant, avoid cottage healthy diet while pregnant cheese ( pander ) and pander tasks preparations as soon as snacks can be difficult to tell if the pander is fine.

White rind cheeses , such as Brie and Camembert and blue cheeses . Also stay away from soft cheeses made from raw milk , such as sheep and goats. All these cheeses can contain listener. Listener can cause an infection called illustrious Healthy diet when pregnant, which can harm your baby .
Raw or undercooked meat , poultry and eggs. These can contain harmful bacteria. Cook meat until no pink bits left. Cook eggs until firm well healthy diet while pregnant.

Raw seafood , such as sushi or raw oysters .
Large predatory fish such as shark and swordfish , as it may contain dangerous levels of mercury. These fish absorb mercury from polluted waters. Mercury binds strongly to proteins in fish muscle and remains there even after cooking fish .
Transformed or canned fish often kept in saline (saline)healthy diet while pregnant , which can lead to water retention . Drain canned fish well, and turned the fish occasionally .
Alcoholic beverages. Drinking too much alcohol can cause physical defects , learning disabilities and emotional problems in children. So many experts recommend that you give alcohol during pregnancy.
Reduce caffeine intake .

 Drinking more than 200 MGM of caffeine per day increases the risk of low birth weight and Miscarriage Healthy diet when pregnant. No more than two cups of instant coffee healthy diet while pregnant, or two cups of tea or five cans of cola a day.

Should I take supplements during pregnancy?

Morning sickness or food aversions can make healthy pregnant diet it hard to eat well during pregnancy . A supplement of vitamins and minerals can be a good idea to help you get all the vitamins and minerals you need Healthy diet when pregnant.

Folic acid is especially important healthy diet while pregnant. Your doctor recommends that you take 5 MGM of folic acid in a supplement at least until the 12th week of pregnancy. Lack of vitamin B has been associated with neural tube birth defects such as spinal biffed.

You may also need to healthy diet while pregnant take iron supplements. Your doctor will check your iron levels regularly and advise you on how much to take Healthy diet when pregnant.

Talk to your doctor about your diet if:

You're a vegan
You have gestational diabetes
You have anemia
You have a history of babies with low birth weight Healthy diet when pregnant.

In these cases, you may need vitamins and minerals, or may need to follow a special diet.

Remember, however, that more is not always better Healthy diet when pregnant. Very high doses of vitamins healthy pregnant diet and minerals healthy diet while pregnant can be harmful to your baby.
 Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or tablets healthy diet while pregnant, even if they are herbal Healthy diet when pregnant.

The Best 10 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Top 10 Tips for Healthy Pregnancy

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During pregnancy , some issues will be as important as your physical and emotional wellbeing. Not only will you see your obstetrician with astonishing regularity and frequency , but - perhaps to their surprise - growing your abdomen may also become the topic of conversation polished as those around you more interested in how you do having a healthy pregnancy.
With all the changes taking place in your health (and by association , the health of your baby) deserves to be protected and nurtured during this memorable time. But once it is discovered that almost everything you do affects your baby, you will probably feel a lot of pressure to do things and sure to bring a healthy baby to term.
Cautionary tales aside , pregnancy can pack joy  having a healthy pregnancy, fear and excitement within nine months. While you are busy preparing to embark on an exercise routine or renewed craving caffeine kick , make sure to take some time "Zen " for you. After all  healthy pregnancy, taking time for yourself is part of the preparation for parenthood .
So meditating in pregnancy - or maturity - here are 10 tips to scan. Wondering exactly how to get ready for pregnancy ? Read on to learn about a plan of action.


Ideally, the preparation of a baby begins at least three months prior to conception . Why so soon? The better your health, the health of your baby is likely to be healthy pregnancy.
Visit your gynecologist is one of the first steps in planning a healthy pregnancy. During your appointment, you will discuss your family and personal health history and medications the doctor should make sure their vaccinations are current , including rubella and chickenpox  having a healthy pregnancy, which are live virus vaccines should not be administered during pregnancy
Expect some recommendations for changes in lifestyle  healthy pregnancy, too. If you live with a domestic cat , you will be informed give away rights having a healthy pregnancy . It is a parasite in cat feces can cause taxonomists - an infection that can be fatal to the development of babies . For the same reason , you are warned to wear gloves while gardening and avoid eating undercooked meat .
You will probably receive a prescription for prenatal vitamins healthy pregnancy or recommendations for an ETC version will give you enough to increase the nutrients your body needs healthy pregnancy. Note that all multivitamins are the same: You need at least 400 micrograms of folic taken daily at least one month before conception and continues through the prenatal and postnatal periods of acid
Your preconception planning should include a visit to the dentist to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy . Accumulating evidence suggests that periodontal disease makes women more likely to have premature babies or low birth weight

No overestimated

Although pregnancy can be exciting, but also requires a lot of physical and emotional changes . Reaching a bottle of ibuprofen is no longer healthy pregnancy just a woman looking for headache relief . Everything you eat , including drugs affect your baby . When a drug enters the bloodstream, crosses the placenta healthy pregnancy and enters the system of your baby, too .
What medications are safe during pregnancy? There are no easy answers. U.S. Safety labels Food and Drug Administration for prescription drugs , ranging from antibiotics to antidepressants , according to the following system: A, B , C , D or X Your doctor will help you determine what drugs are recommended during pregnancy.
In general, class A drugs showed no risk to the fetus  healthy pregnancy. Class B drugs , including ibuprofen , are not expected to pose a risk to the fetus. Class C drugs can cause complications for the baby in the womb healthy pregnancy, but really have not been studied in people. Category D medicine , including chemotherapy agents , present different risks to health, but can still be used in some cases. Category X drugs are known to cause birth defects and should never be used during pregnancy
Over-the - counter medications require a similar review . Get approval from your doctor before taking them , and if you believe that homeopathic healthy pregnancy remedies are safe or still keep these substances cross the placenta and affect your baby . If in doubt , consult your doctor .
Wondering how to feed a healthy pregnancy when green at the gills ?

Eat your vegetables

During pregnancy , what you eat and drink is the main source of nutrition for your baby. Fill your refrigerator and pantry with foods rich in nutrients to healthy pregnancy ensure you get the boost you need during pregnancy , namely - BE , BIB , iron, calcium and folic acid.
You should start in the produce section . Bananas and whole grains are rich in vitamin BE, encourage the formation of red blood cells. Sweet potatoes have vitamin for bone growth . Spinach and salmon are full of calcium healthy pregnancy, which helps to prevent bone loss during pregnancy and facilitates the growth of the bones of your developing baby does not like something on this short list of foods " power"? Do not worry . There are many substitutions to get the nutrition you need .
If you think that taking a prenatal vitamin every day to their nutritional needs covered , think again. Your body - and your baby  healthy pregnancy- just needs more nutrition from a vitamin can offer. For example , you will not get the recommended amount of calcium in a single daily dose of prenatal vitamin amount . Why? If included healthy pregnancy, the pill is too big to swallow While supplies prenatal vitamins with folic acid and other nutrients to help prevent birth defects , be sure to eat a supplementary feeding to stimulate the growth of your baby and protect their own health .
What foods can pose a risk to the health of your baby? Then we will discover some of the dangerous ingredients to avoid  healthy pregnancy.

Steer clear of dangerous ingredients

Your first prenatal examination can not take place until well into the first quarter , but this period is a crucial stage in the development occurs Knowing this , you need to stay away from potentially toxic ingredients healthy pregnancy. Many hide dangerous ingredients in everyday foods . You want to avoid foods that may be contaminated with Listener , a bacterium that can cross the placenta and cause miscarriage unless they are made ​​from pastured milk, imported soft cheeses such as Brie , Camembert and feta are on this list . Raw eggs , fish , poultry , beef and pork should not be eaten either healthy pregnancy.
Stay away from raw meat is usually not difficult for a pregnant woman, often uncomfortable , woman. But when you are hit with a craving for sashimi or homemade ice cream ( which often contains raw eggs ) , can be easy to forget the risks of other foods, such as certain types of fish and shellfish can contain high levels of mercury and should be eaten with shortages
You should also avoid alcohol and cigarette smoke healthy pregnancy . Both substances cross the placental barrier and may cause damage to coffee consumption , however , received mixed reviews. Although caffeine blood goes directly to your baby , many women continue to drink coffee during pregnancy. In small amounts , caffeine seems fine healthy pregnancy. A 5 oz cup of coffee has about 180 milliards of caffeine , so a cup a day should not cause too much concern

Let cravings

Pickles? Ice cream ? How cliche ! For many pregnant women, however , these and other great high in fat , sugar and salt are a reality. Before overcoming guilt at the thought of fuel the growth of your baby with fries , take note  : it is OK to satisfy some desires  healthy pregnancy, as long as you eat a balanced diet first .
Perhaps his desire to let you know if you are lacking a certain nutrient. The answer is a resounding " maybe." Next time you reach for a bag of pretzels, your body may be craving extra sodium necessary to balance the extra fluids caused by pregnancy . However, his wish may be related : A woman ice crunches may actually have anemia - a condition ice cubes do nothing to appease
For most , cravings are harmless. But if you start to collect the non-food items , trouble is brewing . Eat items such as chalk , charcoal , dirt or toothpaste indicates a condition known as "pica . " Although researchers suspect it may be caused by the lack of a certain vitamin or mineral in your body, this condition can be dangerous for you and your baby. Not only do these non-food items can be potentially toxic or contain parasites, can reduce your body - and your baby - the ability to absorb nutrients from the foods you should eat healthy pregnancy .
Exercise can stop thinking about anxiety and help relieve a number of complaints tips to a healthy pregnancy. Read on to learn how and why remain flexible

Keep moving

Not only is it safer ( once the "forward" from your doctor) to exercise during pregnancy, it is a good idea. A solid 30 minutes of exercise a day can help reduce back pain and constipation - the two most common complaints of pregnancy. It can also help you sleep better and improve your posture and mood , two things that tend to decrease as the pregnancy progresses .
Working during pregnancy promotes muscle tone and strength  , helps deal with the pain of labor and allows to recover after pregnancy. Exercise, especially the type that includes fresh air, can even help ease morning sickness
Some exercises such as walking, yoga, swimming and low impact aerobics are ideal even for beginners . Activities such as running can be safe for mothers and babies, but only if you already do regularly before getting pregnant  , and you may have to change the unit. The key to safe exercise , whatever your fitness level during pregnancy having a healthy pregnancy, is to know the signs of exhaustion. Read on to discover what to watch

Do not worry too

When you are pregnant, life does not stop. When overcome fatigue usually caused by the first trimester , you may feel ready to take on the world . Furthermore, there is an additional incentive : A period happens in a few months .
This may address the recreation and projects has been delayed until now . The good news is that keeping your mind and hands busy can calm nerves before parenthood. You also get a sense of accomplishment when crossing things off your pre -baby- do list .
While there is nothing wrong with extra work or home project, you will want to find a rhythm that suits your pregnancy tips to a healthy pregnancy. It is important to know when you're about to do too much - physically or mentally. If you start to feel dizzy or weak, then stop and rest. It is a sign that your body needs more oxygen-rich blood as it can not keep pace with your business.
Some breathing is normal lung space is replaced with the new baby home. Inability to catch your breath , however , is another story . This means that you need to calm your activity level. And if your heart rate above 140 beats per minute tips to a healthy pregnancy , rest until it returns to normal
Make sure you get enough sleep can go a long way to feed your daily activities having a healthy pregnancy. On the next page , learn some tips to get some shut eye tips to a healthy pregnancy.

Sleep Easy

Pregnancy fatigue often takes a brief respite during the second quarter , then back (often with a vengeance ) in the third quarter. You need at least eight or nine hours of sleep to have enough energy for the day may be helpful to take a nap, even for 20 minutes during lunch .
Ironically , although it can hope to pass the first trimester of pregnancy in bed , pressing the third quarter , it becomes more difficult to sleep comfortably for long periods of time. If upside down once , you should now understand how you feel in a different position. Lying on the left side optimizes blood flow to you and your baby. Try propping a pillow between the knees to support the widening pelvis and place near your belly for comfort
If you really can not sleep at night tips to a healthy pregnancy - what with the extra trips to the bathroom and heartburn - try to rest more often during a period of 24 hours. Napping at lunch, after work and during the evening news added. You can also ease your mind  , which can help you rest better at night, too

Calm Common Complaints

Of course , there is much to be thankful during pregnancy. The acidity and the dozen other disadvantages that women with more experience , however , are not on this list.
Heartburn can occur at any time during pregnancy tips to a healthy pregnancy , but is more likely to occur as your belly grows . A lot of the hormone progesterone slows digestion and lost touch time keep your stomach acids to seep into the esophagi. To combat heartburn, eat small meals and walk for an hour after leaving the table . If heartburn bothers you at night , use pillows to sleep in an inclined position. Over- the- counter medications for heartburn are usually good, but you should check with your doctor to make sure
Annoying leg cramps may become more frequent in the second and third quarters . There are a number of reasons for the increased frequency of mild dehydration pressure putting the baby on the spinal nerves . The good news is that with a little forethought tips to a healthy pregnancy, these can help prevent muscle cramps. Stretch your legs is a good preventative measure , but do not point fingers , because it can trigger a cramp. Exercise ( even walking ) should help. Massaging the legs, take a hot bath or using a heating pad can also provide some relief
If you are worried about the pain, and then give up the heels, buy a mattress and keep your posture in check. Beat back pain requires many minutes throughout having a healthy pregnancy the day and night settings tips to a healthy pregnancy . Do not bend the keyboard and make sure to stretch your muscles from time to time

Zen baby

Nine months can seem to stretch to infinity when you're anxious to know your baby , but the delay also allows time at home in his new role as a parent. If you are stressed - about pregnancy , birth , life , work and the inevitable adjustments that occur within their extended family - it can affect your baby . The constant or sudden stress can cause premature labor because it releases a hormonal trigger contraction tips to a healthy pregnancy. Chronic stress can lead to a weakened immune system for you and a low birth weight baby
The stress level is too much? It is a difficult decision. Navigating the demands of work and family life can be difficult, but for some women tips to a healthy pregnancy , leaving job oriented period during the months of pre - baby break can be so stressful  having a healthy pregnancy. It's all in how you deal with it.
If you often feel anxious, confused or crying, then it's time to seek help. In the long run , learning to manage stress during pregnancy is good practice for parenthood . Learn to prioritize, cultivate a support network and make a conscious  tips to a healthy pregnancy effort to relax, either by prenatal massage or just some quiet " me" time . You will be well on your way to a balanced life as a new mom .

The Best Tips for successful breastfeeding

There are many areas of parenting that are questionable . We all have our own opinions and ideas breastfeeding tips and tricks about what is "best" and often these ideas may conflict breast tips with what others think is "best" for their children. One of the few options for parents is not debatable is breastfeeding tips for successful breastfeeding. Everyone knows that breast milk is the best nutrition for babies . Even formula companies competing to see who can be the " closest to breast milk. "

As we all know , breast milk is the best source of nutrition , we all have to make  breast tips a personal choice whether or not to breastfeed. You know that many mothers choose not to breastfeed their babies and is not a position breastfeeding tips and tricks to make anyone feel guilty breastfeeding tips and tricks about this election tips for successful breastfeeding. Instead, this post is to encourage those who do not want to breastfeed and share my personal experiences and what helped me succeed  breast tips with it while nursing my children

When I was pregnant with my first child , my son, I do not know what kind of mother I would be. The idea of nursing that was a little boring and tips for successful breastfeeding I do not even know if I wanted her. However, the more I learned about the benefits  breastfeeding tips and tricks of breast milk for my baby breastfeeding tips and tricks iv, the more passionate I became . I fed my son exclusively breast tips for nine months and had a mixture of breast milk and formula tips for successful breastfeeding to a year. With my daughter , I feel very confident in my skills of nursing and its only fed until 11 months, when I started introducing whole milk in your diet , then she completely weaned at 13 months breast tips .

If you are pregnant and considering breastfeeding , here are some things I've  breastfeeding tips and tricks learned that can help you succeed, and none of them tips for successful breastfeeding have to do with the nursing process in itself !

. Pretend there is no one formula : You know a few years ago mothers have no choice. Nursing was the only method available. This may seem tips for successful breastfeeding silly, but if you pretend that there is another option out there, then it is more likely to succeed in nursing simply because breast tips you will not consider anything else!

2 Buy a top of the line breast pump and open. I bought a Medal Freestyle pump when I was pregnant with my son. This junk is not cheap tips for successful breastfeeding. We spent over $ 300 in it. I hesitated to open breast tips. What if I could not nurse? What if I do not? What if I left? My husband told me to open because tips for successful breastfeeding , knowing I could not endure to be a big motivation to continue nursing , no matter what!

. 3 Do not buy a formula : You Keep your home free formula . Take (or sell ! ) That these samples received in the mail tips for successful breastfeeding breastfeeding tips and tricks. Lower bids of people get rid of their boxes to the left breast tips . During periods when you feel like throwing in the towel , it will not be easy to give up . It will take a trip to the store to buy formula and when you get it you probably just decided to continue nursing tips for successful breastfeeding :)

. 4 which can do: I think most new moms , like me, you worry we will not be able to breastfeed . It was my # 1 fear when I became a mother for the first time . My husband actually asked when our basic course of breastfeeding in the hospital how many tips for successful breastfeeding women truly can not breastfeed breastfeeding tips and tricks. The lactation consultant said that with the right attitude and motivation, almost anyone can do !

. 5 Share your objectives husband support is so critical tips for successful breastfeeding. Each without being there to help me, support me, encourage me and even gives me a little " tough love" in the early days of breastfeeding tips for successful breastfeeding , I really do not think it would have been a success with it breast tips. As mothers breastfeeding tips and tricks, we tend to have our first concern is for our children. Our husbands tend to have their first concerns  breast tips are about U.S. . So when you fight with nursing and want to give , that naturally  tips for successful breastfeeding want to help us and make our lives easier. They can not understand that we live with nurses and offer many husbands leave because they think that is what is best for us. Share your goals with your husband tips for successful breastfeeding. Should be your biggest cheerleader !

. 6 know it will be hard : Personally, I think the # 1 reason many women do not seek or stop breastfeeding early because we feel that we can not  tips for successful breastfeeding, when it is harder than what we hope it is. The media tend to paint breast tips this pretty picture of nursing ... Is supposed to come "naturally" and should never hurt tips for successful breastfeeding , etc, etc, etc. As a new mom , it's all fear breast tips. You are thrown into this completely new situation and have a bit of life for you. During breastfeeding hurts tips for successful breastfeeding, or that is not natural , that freak . We automatically think we fail our most important job as a parent , we feed our baby ! We take it personally tips for successful breastfeeding , like something is wrong with the U.S. and ended up leaving because it gives us one less thing to worry about. I know because I was there. I could not for the life of me get my baby  tips for successful breastfeeding to latch on properly. Hurts. Bled . I cried and cried during meals for a while. I had mastitis, three times breast tips. I went through it and guess what ? Switches to the hard phase . It gets easier . Not only that, but it's nice . There is nothing better than feeding  tips for successful breastfeeding a sweet baby and share this close link ! I truly believe that if new mothers entered the experience of care in the preparation to be a little difficult and knowing that there will be struggles mothers have to bear tips for successful breastfeeding tips for successful breastfeeding. Just always , always remember the hard days will soon be over and it will be worth it !

. 7 has a goal, but to take power at a time  tips for successful breastfeeding: With my son , my goal was to heal for three months. Once I arrived, my goal became to six months. Once I arrived, my goal became nine months. With my daughter , my goal was one year and was beyond. I think I have a long-term goal is great! However, it can also make you feel exhausted. In these difficult days that may seem daunting to think "OMG  breast tips, I have a year of this? " During these times tips for successful breastfeeding, it is important to simply take power at once tips for successful breastfeeding. Pass through the supply order then to pass through the other. I had a friend of mine who felt discouraged and frustrated with nursing , but she kept going one  breast tips drink at a time and fed more than the first time I wanted to stop tips for successful breastfeeding. Every little drop of breast milk is so good for your baby so that even " more power " better to leave!

Although I am breast tips not an expert of breastfeeding by all means , I know that my success with the nursing staff has more to do with my mind from my body tips for successful breastfeeding . I truly believe that if mothers who want to breastfeed come with these things in mind , I will be successful in it! If your goal  breast tips is for a week, a month or a year tips for successful breastfeeding, you can do it and you will be so grateful that he

Why do babies constantly crying at night?

Why do babies cry ?

Your baby can not do anything by itself why baby cry at night and depends on you to provide food baby constant crying, warmth and comfort they  babies cries need  baby not sleeping. Crying is a form of communication baby constant crying or all of these needs and ensure an answer from you to your baby .

Sometimes it's hard to know what your baby is telling you . But over time , you learn to recognize what your baby needs. And as your baby grows baby constant crying , you will learn other ways  to communicate  you baby crying all night babies cries . It will improve eye contact baby , smiling and making noises, reducing their need to scream for attention baby constant crying.

Meanwhile, if your baby is hard to soothe babies cries , it can be trying to say :

I'm hungry

Hunger is one of the most common reasons that your baby will mourn reasons baby crying all night. The younger the baby , the more likely  babies cries it is that you are hungry baby constant crying.

Small your baby's stomach can not hold much , if she cries , try adding a bit of milk. It may be hungry, but his last meal is not very long  baby constant crying. Chances are you will eat often and regularly on the first day or two babies cries to help your breast milk to come anyway baby crying all night. If you feed your baby formula can not be hungry when fed during the last two hours .

She can not help but mourn immediately , but we will keep the babies cries food if she wants .

I feel like mourn

If your baby is less than five months  baby constant crying, she can mourn the late afternoon and evening. This is normal and does not mean there is something wrong with your baby baby .

Unhappiness can go short periods of inconsolable crying for several hours baby constant crying . As she cries , the baby may become red babies cries and frustrated their efforts and refuse to comfort . Your baby may clench your fists, develop their knees or arching your back .

It's annoying when it seems babies cries baby constant crying you can not do anything to alleviate the anguish of your baby. However , it is difficult at this time , you can be sure that your baby will come out of this difficult time.

Persistent, inconsolable baby a healthy babies cries traditionally called colic . Some people also associated with wind and stomach cramps or digestive problems. They may be due to an allergy or intolerance to certain substances in breast milk or formula baby constant crying.

These days , however , we have a better babies cries understanding of how this model of infant crying is normal and is not necessarily linked to stomach problems.

Ronald Barr , an expert on crying baby baby constant crying , proposed a new term for this phase of mourn . Barr called the " period of PURPLE Crying ® " where the purple letters of support to the common features of crying babies cries. (This does not mean that your baby turns purple to mourn so strong ) baby constant crying .

The emphasis is on the word "period", you can be sure that the persistent crying does not last forever your baby.

Purple letters represent:
P for peak mourn : Your baby can mourn over a week baby constant crying , more than two months, then within  babies cries three months and five months.
U for unexpected: the crying can come and go and do not know why.
R for resists soothing : Your baby can not help but mourn baby crying all night , no matter what you try .
P face of pain , like a crying baby may look like she is babies cries in pain baby constant crying , even when it is not.
L for long life : weeping may last for several hours a day .
E for the night: your baby can mourn over the afternoon and evening .

Living with a crying baby regularly, inconsolable can be very stressful , but there are things you can do to help you deal with crying. Visit our  babies cries section below baby constant crying : " My baby is still crying I can do. ? "

I need to hear

Your baby will need a lot of hugging , physical contact to comfort and convenience .

So it may be that she just wants to be held babies cries. Try a sling to keep close to you , perhaps swaying and singing while holding her baby constant crying .

You may be worried about spoiling your baby if hugs too. However, during the first months of life, is not possible. Infants need a lot of physical comfort baby crying all night. If you hold your baby close , you can reassured to hear the heartbeat baby constant crying .

I'm tired and I need sleep

Often babies have trouble sleeping , especially if they are babies cries very tired baby constant crying. You soon realize the signs of sleep for your baby. Whine and mourn at the slightest thing , staring into space, and go quiet and still are just three examples .

If your baby has received much attention and petting  baby constant crying chickens visitors can become overestimated babies cries. So when it comes to sleep , she will struggle to turn and adjust. Take your baby somewhere quiet and peaceful to help solve .

I'm too cold or too hot

Your baby may hate being diapered baby constant crying or be bathed . It can not be used to the feeling of cold air on your skin and make it more well-cushioned and warm. But soon you will learn to make a layer of rapid change baby crying all night if this is the case babies cries.

Be careful not dress your baby too much, or it may become too hot baby constant crying  . Generally , you must use one more layer  babies cries of clothing that you are comfortable with.

Use sheets and cellular blankets as bedding in the crib or bassinet . You can check if your baby is too hot or too cold to feel your stomach babies cries. If your stomach feels too hot, remove a blanket, and if you feel cold , add one.

Do not go by the hands or the feet of her baby because usually feel fresh baby constant crying . Keep your baby's room at a temperature  babies cries of about 18 degrees C. Put to sleep on your back with your feet at the end of the bed baby crying all night. This way , you can not escape too under the covers and too hot.

I need my diaper

Your baby may protest if your  baby constant crying clothes babies cries are too tight or if a wet or dirty diaper is bothering him . Or she may not care if the diaper is full and you can even enjoy the warm and cozy feeling. But if the supply of your baby 's skin is irritated , it is likely that mourn .

I need something to make me feel better

Be aware of changes in your baby baby constant crying babies cries. If you are ill , she will probably mourn in a different tone to their usual cry . It may be smaller , more urgent , continuous , or acute . And if your baby cries a lot , but was unusually quiet , it can be a sign that is not right.

No one knows your baby as well as you  baby constant crying. If you feel there may be something wrong with it, call your doctor , midwife or health babies cries.

Health professionals always take their concerns seriously. Call your doctor if your baby has difficulty breathing through  baby constant crying crying or crying is accompanied by fever , vomiting , diarrhea or constipation baby crying all night.
My baby is still crying . What can I do ?

As gradually know the personality of your baby, you will learn techniques that work best for her. If a hug does not work, these tips can help  baby constant crying:

Find a constant noise

In the uterus (womb) , your baby could hear the beating of his heart baby constant crying , that's why she likes to be by your side now. There are other repetitive noises can also have a calming effect.

Regular washing rate, or the sound of a vacuum cleaner baby constant crying or hair dryer may lull your baby to sleep . But never put your baby in a washing machine or dryer baby crying all night, a simple accompaniment on the floor beside him.

You can also download the sounds babies cries of white noise or white noise APS for your phone, or buy a CD of white noise created for babies . These mimic the sounds of the uterus and can calm your baby mourn baby constant crying .

Rock- a- Bye Baby

Babies love to be rocked gently in general baby constant crying. You can:
Scenic rolling.
Sit with him in a rocking chair.
If she is old enough , sitting in a baby swing safety .
Take a ride in his car.
Take a walk in her stroller .

Try a massage or abdominal massage

The use of massage oil or cream and gently rub baby constant crying the back or stomach can help calm your baby . It can also make  babies cries you feel better because it is a convenient way to reduce distress your baby form . Ask your health visitor about local massage classes for babies.

Try a different position to

Some babies cry during or after meals . If you are breastfeeding , you may improve the way your baby is using to feed quietly without mourn .

If it looks painful to the wind flow , you can try feeding in a more upright position. Burp your baby after feeding by holding it against his shoulder baby crying all night. If your baby cries just after a feed , you might still be hungry .

Let her suck on something

In some children, the need is very strong suction baby constant crying . Sucking the breast during lactation, a clean finger or a model can bring great baby crying all night comfort. Comfort sucking can stabilize the heartbeat of a baby, relax your stomach and help them settle .

Take a hot bath

A warm bath can  baby constant crying soothe your baby and help calm . Check the water temperature before placing it inside babies cries. But note that you can  baby crying all night also make it more mourn . Over time, you will learn about the likes and dislikes of your baby.

Do not ask too much of you

If your newborn cries almost constantly baby constant crying , never hurt durable. But it is likely that you and your partner a great source of stress and anxiety cause . If she is happy and resists all efforts to calm down, you can feel rejected and frustrated. But you are not the cause of her tears , do not blame you .

If you come across the immediate needs of your baby and tried everything baby constant crying I can to calm her, but nothing has worked , it's time to take care of yourself :
Put your baby in his crib and let him mourn for a short period of their hearing range . Breathe deeply.
Put some soft music and let it relax for a moment or two baby crying all night.
If you and your baby are both annoying and you have tried everything , it makes sense to call a friend or family member for support. Take a break and let someone else take over for a while.
Talk to your doctor about adaptation strategies and local support groups or parent groups - baby. This way , you can share your feelings and talk about ways to deal with other new parents.
Call a helpline. Cry - sis offers a helpline on 0845 1228 669 for parents  baby constant crying of babies who have trouble sleeping or crying too much service.

Remember that everything goes baby constant crying well with your baby and crying will do no harm . Sometimes just accept that babies cries you have a baby who cries a lot can help. You will not be able to then focus on finding reasons to mourn , blame you for it , or try endless potential remedies .

This crying is a phase that will pass baby constant crying. Newborns are hard work. Being a parent newborn crying is much harder work. But trying to get help and support when you need it , instead of letting things pile up baby constant crying.

Make sure your baby grows , you will learn new ways to communicate their needs to you. And when this happens baby constant crying babies cries , tears will stop

Healthy Snack Foods For Kids

It is the goal of every parent to ensure that your child gets all the nutrients they need each day . But with all the options best healthy snack foods crammed into supermarkets healthy snack foods for kids , it can be difficult to understand what foods are very healthy. Some of the most difficult to monitor foods are snack foods, where large companies are focusing more healthy snacks and foods intense marketing. No wonder that the host best healthy snack foods , Rice Crispy Treats and dories are household names healthy snack foods for kids .

But snacks can best healthy snack foods and should be a healthy part of your child's diet , said Diana Shaded , a dietitian and nutritionist . " Snacks are essential for children as they need to eat often healthy snack foods for kids , while still growing," says Shaded . "It is impossible for children to get proper nutrition if healthy snacks are not available. "

But what constitutes a healthy snack ? Well best healthy snack foods , it is often more important to be in search of ingredients and additives in their diet do not want to look any healthy snack foods for kids meal or snack. According to Shaded , two of the largest snack - we are no syrup fructose corn syrup and trans fats (corn syrup best healthy snack foods , high fructose appears in the ingredients, trans fat listed on the nutrition facts ) healthy snacks and foods . " Corn Syrup High Fructose is  healthy snack foods for kids sugar high blood sugar increases blood sugar and can make you irritable , depressed , children etc , and trans fatty acids are one of the healthiest fats because they can increase significantly "bad" OLD cholesterol, " Shaded said. This is a particularly pressing concern , according to Shaded  , only five children are developing high cholesterol healthy snack foods for kids .

The best way to avoid the potential dangers of selection of appetizer is to focus on whole foods, like fruits , vegetables and whole grains best healthy snack foods (not including packaged foods that claim to be made ​​with whole grains - Lucky Charms  healthy snacks and footsore not whole grains actually healthy snack foods for kids what all advertising ) . " Whole foods are essential for children because more fiber best healthy snack foods, B vitamins and minerals like zinc and selenium , which play an important role in the stability of blood sugar , immunity and growth  ," says Shaded healthy snack foods for kids .

But in the real world of parenting , sometimes fresh fruits and vegetables best healthy snack foods are not a realistic option snack . And although it is not always possible to make the perfect choice ; s definitely still possible to make better decisions healthy snack foods for kids. Below is a guide for quick and easy healthy snacks and foods snack time that will keep you and your little choice smiling.

Savory / crunchy :

Baked Pita Chips
Chips or vegetable sticks (make sure they are fried in canola oil )
Whole Wheat Pretzels
Baked Corn Chips
Air Popcorn (no salt or butter)
sweet :

Bakery Products sweetened with fruit juice and / or honey
Paddles and sorbet sweetened fruit juices
Fresh organic nature yoghurt with fresh fruit and honey
Protein bars ( low and low soy healthy snack foods for kids , dairy products without hydrogenated oils)
Remember, a good rule of thumb is : the less ingredients and food additives to healthy snack foods for kids , it is probably best for you. If you can not easily best healthy snack foods get all the ingredients marked in a given package ( Where is guar gum or hydrogenated soybean oil ) , it is probably best left on the shelf - no matter how " successful " it might seem healthy snack foods for kids .

So the next time you're at the supermarket healthy snack foods for kids, think outside the box ( literally) and try some healthy  healthy snack foods for kids, if less commercial options

How to help stress,Resolution Stress in 5 Tips

Resolving the tension in the life of a person can be the line between health and disease. Having suffered from panic attacks and agoraphobia learn help with stress to deal with stress help with stress  has saved my life. Stress is something that can affect many diseases such as heart  disease , diabetes , panic attacks , depression ; even the common cold and flu can be affected by stress help stress.

Learning to resolve the stress in your help for stress daily life and help you stay on track to good health  help with stress .

Resolution Stress Tip # 1 - Love yes love can be a method to reduce the stress of a person help with stress. What this means is that our integrated selfishness can cause feelings of fear and hostility toward others help for stress, which in turn causes us stress help stress . It is well known that people can not be filled with love all the time, what we can do though is to remove much of the negative factors in our lives help with stress .

Resolution Stress Tip # 2 - Reduce the negative factors in our lives means that each person has the ability to step back and look at every negative help with stress  situation and decide if this is important . After considering  help for stress the stressful situation and the decision  then act on that decision. If the stressful situation is important problem to resolve the situation to correct. If it is not important to the overall well-being of you , and then let it go help with stress.

Resolution Stress Tip # 3 - Look for positive power in your life  help for stress. I mean to seek the company of friends and relatives who  help stress think positive about the situation. Happiness and positive thoughts and actions can keep a calm and content person help with stress.

Resolution Stress Tip # 4 - Think of others first - if a situation that stands  help for stress , then it is logical to focus on those around him . For example - the argument of a situation that can not be changed
  Help with stress can make everyone around him feel stressed and negative. Let these questions and things for others , if you can not change something, insist on it , you can not help eliminate the situation or condition help for stress.

Resolution Stress Tip # 5 - is sufficient, there is evidence that each help with stress of us needs some time to rest in order to stay on track . Try to keep your life in order, get the proper amount of rest so that when the alarm in the morning you wake is nice not stressful for your body and mind .

Resolution Stress Tip # 6 - Exercise and eating right can help for stress help help with stress keep the human body healthy and be healthy a person help for stress can keep stress in their lives. Eat right, walk or exercise every day so that feelings of self-esteem are well fed.

Resolution Stress Tip # 7 - If there is a need for help with anything help with stress  in your life that means something to clean house help for stress to solve money problems seek help the situation . Help these stress may come from family, friends or even professionals help with stress  .

We all experience stress, we can not live our lives stress free. However, knowing that we can control certain stress and even maintain a certain distance can be enough to help everyone stay happy and healthy help with stress .

The Best 15 Tips to Reduce Stress Eating

Achieving food to deal with stress is a common impetus  stop stress eating for many of us and one with consequences for our waistlines .

And this is not helped by the fact that many of us continue to eat after you are full - and long after taste of what we eat has no interest for us Help with Stress Eating .

The only certain thing about stress is that it is still there - at some level . So what matters is how we deal with it stop stress eating.

For some, their appetite disappears Help with Stress Eating. But for many of us stress eating tips , the opposite happens : We eat , snack , eat and then come back for some more. And nothing higher in calories , sugar, fatty goodness we do Help with Stress Eating .

And the cycle repeats : stress leads to eating , which leads to self - hate, adding to the tension, and - well, you know the rest.

However, there are things you can do to get out of this destructive cycle Help with Stress Eating. Although negative emotions can trigger stop stress eating stress eating, you can take steps to control cravings and renew their efforts to lose weight stress eating tips. To help stop emotional eating , try these tips :

15 Tips to Reduce Stress Eating

1- Develop a solid nutritional foundation . Prepare in advance and you will be better able to cope with stressful situations when they occur Help with Stress Eating . And eat regularly throughout the day to help maintain emotional balance.

2- Turn to your support network . Trust stress eating tips your family or friends or join a support group stop stress eating, as there is a good chance that you can feed the tension if you try to beat your own

3- Have a reality check of hunger Help with Stress Eating. Think about whether your feelings of hunger are physical or emotional. And think about giving your craving Help with Stress Eating   a little time to pass - for 20 minutes if possible

4- Do not make the mistake of depriving yourself. Addressing a goal of losing weight, you can go too far , eat the same food too often deny treats stress eating tips , and excessive exercise stop stress eating . It is a path for cravings and cooked - allowing the rare luxury of working on the development of a varied diet.

5- Disconnect the power of temptation. Do not store food in your home comfort if, like me , you find it hard to resist them. And do not shop  Help with Stress Eating when you feel stressed - they are more likely to stock up on snacks stop stress eating. If you feel that you have to store food for other people in the house, then try to make sure they  stress eating tips are not visible when you open the newspaper or freezer .

6- Stock healthy snacks . If you need to eat between meals, try to stick to low-fat , low-calorie snacks such as small packages stop stress eating of nuts or mixed nuts (unsalted) or candy , apples , bananas, vegetables with low dressing popcorn without butter or fat   Help with Stress Eating.

7- Eat complex carbohydrates including oatmeal, raisin bran and other whole grain cereals and bread, and brown rice , whole grain pasta , vegetables, beans , fruit and skim milk. These foods stimulate the production of serotonin welfare Help with Stress Eating , contributing to stress

8- Eating the right kind of fat. Foods rich in omega -3 fatty acids Help with Stress Eating , including fish, nuts , almonds, flax seeds and pine nuts stop stress eating , help regulate stress hormones

9-Increase your vitamin C levels . Foods rich in this vitamin, including citrus , not only to strengthen the immune system, but also reduce Help with Stress Eating the levels of stress hormones

10- Enjoy a cup of tea Help with Stress Eating. This amino acid in green tea , thiamine can help soothe while helping to reduce high blood pressure stop stress eating.

11- Focus on food. Eating while watching TV , for example , let your mind drift Help with Stress Eating , increasing their chances to overeat stress eating tips and make poor food choices Help with Stress Eating .

12- This is not about dieting. Focus on foods that increase  stop stress eating your energy levels , clear the mind , calm your senses and provide real nutrition.

13- Stop eating when you stop eating . If you are in the flavor  Help with Stress Eating of what you eat , it really is a good indication that it is time to stop.

14- Get some sleep. If you are well rested stop stress eating , which means that between seven and eight hours of sleep per night , can help manage stress more effectively Help with Stress Eating.

15- Dealing with stress . If you insist on eating , kissing a technique for managing stress , such as exercise , yoga , meditation or relaxation stress eating tips.

Shame is not a motivator

It would be great if we could Help with Stress Eating simply check these tips and put stress eating in bed , but life is rarely easy stop stress eating.

There will be setbacks, overindulgence's , tears and snacks. But do not worry about it . The odd slip will not lead to an immediate weight gain . That the worst parent, partner or friend do Help with Stress Eating.

So keep things in perspective. Brush the crumbs. Again Help with Stress Eating. Understand what triggered the slide and reach a plan to deal stop stress eating with a healthier way next time.

Ultimately, what we're trying to do is develop healthy eating plans that are much less in achieving short-term solutions and more  Help with Stress Eating about creating a full diet of less processed foods , which can provide better health wellbeing and energy.

Foods that help us achieve our goals  stop stress stress eating tips eating and help manage the stress that comes with modern life Help with Stress Eating .

This article is part of a series that will focus on measures and lifestyle  changes you can do for permanent weight control Help with Stress Eating

The Best Tips for Men's Health for Longevity

Many men think that if they only have a couple of aspirin and centum every day healthy longevity , your prostate checked for man health every year after 40 years of smoke and walk the dog  , do very well with your health. But this is not the case healthy longevity tips for good health  .

Many of these same people believe that it is something healthy longevity  " wrong with them " if they have too much attention to his health.It is an attitude that should only be thrown to the human and human athletes bluebell healthy longevity .Touts unprofessional, not only women need for strict their health and doing things in the dungeon care tips for good health  - they are when they start to improve .

In fact, the first council of the health of men than her fear healthy longevity  . Fear prevents you from tips for good health  doing things you should really do make a lot of increased aerobic heart rate, breathing deeply and diet équilibré.Vous is not a failure if you are out of shape healthy longevity , you 're just out of shape, and you need to regain your sense of self as well as your physical health and failure mentale.Santé effectively shape the life of a lower quality healthy longevity  .

Speaking of eating right tips for good health  ... How to get rid of a lot of fast food , " before biting quickly " refined.These sugar and things are fine in a pinch goods or treat healthy longevity  occasionally for man health , but you can not leur.Vous live without you feed your body the right food law and requires the metabolism of the world is a little different , it is wrong to suggest . Universal, contrary to the popular modern flare system healthy longevity  , the people are better are vegetarians tips for good health  - are worse off than if they try.

However, these things generally said that we eat too much red meat . Also fried ; Also starch . And excess refined sugar ( white sugar healthy longevity  , corn syrup, high fructose ) . This means that while tips for good health  we eat too little : the seafood. Poultry, fruit ; vegetables; nuts; and whole grains. Red meat is "complete " and good for you , fried food is very tasty protein and the brain lives on sugar, it's not like these things should be done with healthy longevity  .

But the key here is balance.If you like the typical man tips for good health  , you need to replace at least two for man health  meals per week of red meat with fish or chicken dishes - and no one should be healthy longevity  your average intake frit.Diminuer French FRY and replace them with beans and squash.Pour the capsule contents candy in the trash and start buying or growing fruit and nuts chew.And discard any white bread and eat whole grains like Roman bread flour healthy longevity r.

You also should be running , running, playing racquetball, or something much cardiac at least every other day , at least half an hour of healthy longevity  for man health the time ( although , for starters, if you are angry you want to keep for 15 minutes). Walking the dog does not care.

In his work - man stress.Pour short life tips for good health , usually means competing himself , no steps against the world and be honest with yourself about whether you really love your work - and if you do not like , do not try to change something more healthy longevity  . OH and do your home work - even if you work in leisure maison.Temps is exactly that for man health .

Finally , the biggest secret of good health tips for good health of men. Donner.Donne To charity, giving quality time with family and friends and make sure you make money is to add value to the lives of others who give repeatedly over time

You must be eat healthier for this reasons

A healthy diet can save a lot of pain down the road of life than you reasons reasons to eat healthier. What you put in that body   of yours eventually affects . Garbage in, garbage out . Think about it. If you put bad gas or oil in your car reasons to eat healthier  , it does not work well or not at all. There are certain things that an engine needs to function properly and continue to operate on the road eat healthier .

 It's the same with your body. Fill with a lot of junk food and deprive you of what you need and no more likely to get a good profit from it eat healthier eating healthy  . But do not take my word for it . Just to save the speech of a healthy diet , I have listed five reasons why everyone needs reasons to eat more healthfully.

Reason # 1 eat a healthy diet with more fruits and vegetables can effectively prevent various cancers . Sounds like eat healthier  a good reason to me! Fruits and vegetables have antioxidants that help protect healthy cells. The more eating healthy  , the more protection you have eat en eat healthier . It has been suggested that eating at least 5 servings a day. Whoa - before a rupture disco let me explain . Eat an apple or  why to eat healthier a banana or some grapes instead of grabbing a bag of chips. Eat some vegetables with your meals eating healthy  - fries do not count - or a salad with a variety of vegetables . Party is usually only half a cup is not much, if 5 lots is not what it seems .

Reason # 2 Eating healthy is good for the heart eat healthier . Studies have shown that people who consume diets high in fat are more likely to have serious eating healthy heart problems. Eat more fruits and vegetables, and the investment of food and meat fat junk food and dairy products helps to reduce saturated fat and cholesterol damage  why to eat healthier the heart . Natural chemicals in fruits and vegetables containing soluble fiber helps prevent the formation of fatty deposits in blood vessels, helps to lower cholesterol eating healthy , helps reduce blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Reason # 3 Eating healthy can help protect your sight. A healthy diet can effectively reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration eat healthier   , which can lead to blindness. I hope you can see clearly enough now to eat healthier so that you can actually see the future clearly .
Reason corresponds healthy diet can help prevent intestinal diseases like diverticulitis cause irritation and inflammation of the intestine that can be very painful and cause diarrhea and other complications. A high fiber diet is the best defense against these diseases.

Reason  #4Eat a healthy diet rich in fiber can also prevent hemorrhoids that can be caused by constipation or diarrhea . So eating healthy is not a pain in the ass after all eat healthier .

Reason # 5 A healthy diet of fruits and vegetables can also help prevent eat healthier  diabetes and keep it under control. Fruits and vegetables eating healthy tend to increase levels of sugar than other carbohydrates blood . Furthermore eat healthier , the fiber content of fruits and vegetables contain actually helps slow the absorption of sugar .

So , there you have it , 5 reasons to eat more healthfully. And these are just some of the reasons. The list goes on and on eat healthier. Besides all the medical reasons and the fact that a healthy diet can help you live longer without many complications along the way, a healthy diet also helps to see . A healthy diet , you will be fitter, trimmer and much better. Enough said ! Here's to a healthy diet eat healthier .

Hemorrhoids eat healthier can be a real pain to deal with. fortunately

The best Tips for men for a healthy life

It's very exciting that our health - and our ability to stay strong and live longer Tips for men  - is not just a matter of our genes healthy life for men  or our luck . Here are two things you can do to take charge of your health. You can take a quiz to see how much you  healthy life for men  know about the health of men, and can also take some simple measures to support your health , your family and your future healthy tips .

Eat healthy.Nutritious foods that give you energy Tips for men and can reduce the risk of certain diseases. Focus on fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low-fat or nonfat dairy products . Learn the basics of nutrition and how to read food labels.

Maintain Tips for men a healthy weight. Being overweight or Tips for men  obese can increase your risk of diabetes , hypertension , heart disease and stroke. Find your BMI external website, or BMI, to see if you are at risk . Eat healthy foods, control your portion sizes , and physical activity to keep your weight under control.

Move. Regular exercise is one of the most important things you can do for your health things . Find out how much physical activity you need Tips for men.
Be smoke-free . Smoking is linked to many of the leading causes of death, such as cancer, lung disease and stroke Tips for men . If you smoke  healthy life for men  , quit today! Also, avoid secondhand smoke.

Get independent and projections. Ask your doctor how often you should be tested . Learn about testing for certain diseases and conditions, such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes Tips for men , sexually transmitted infections Tips for men  , and certain cancers .
Take all medications you need. Thousands of deaths could be prevented each year by the proper execution of medicines. Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions for all products , including those that help control conditions such as hypertension and diabetes healthy tips . Learn more about drug safety .

Avoid alcohol abuse healthy life for men  . Alcohol abuse can lead to many problems , including high blood pressure, various cancers , psychological problems Tips for men , and accidents. For men 65 years or younger , moderate drinking means no more than two drinks a day . Men over 65 should have no more than one drink a day Tips for men . Discover lots of drinks healthy life for men  .
Manage stress . The balance between work and family Tips for men  can be difficult. But it is important to protect your mental healthy tips and physical health. Find healthy ways to deal with stress.
Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can affect your mood and your health. Try some changes that can improve your sleep Tips for men  . Consult your doctor if you think you have a serious problem. Sleep apnea , a common problem in which breathing stops briefly , may increase the risk of accidents and health problems.

Know your risks . Find out how your lifestyle affects your risk of health problems. For example , people who work Tips for men with healthy life for men   certain chemicals must take protective measures , and men who have sex with men should talk to their doctor  healthy life for men  about specific concerns . You should also keep a record of your medical and Tips for men family to share with your medical history.

Stay safe . Safety devices many things healthy tips , such as the use of seat belts and helmets, with working smoke detectors Tips for men , and following safety rules  healthy life for men  . It also means that the use of condoms , wash your hands healthy tips, taking care of your teeth and use sunscreen healthy life for men  . Take steps to protect yourself and others Tips for men .

For your health,How To Become A Slow Eater

for reasons in this picture you must be eat slowly Below:

12 tips to eat slowly:

1 - Practice Eating quickly a habit that must be broken eat Slowly  . Make it a point to practice mindful eating by scheduling your day. Write in your calendar, leave notes on your fridge and we will send reminders before meals until the new  habits become automatic Chewing good . Habits usually take 3-4 weeks to develop, here are some eat Slowly  tips on how to develop conscious eating habits.

2 - Sit Sitting at a table in a dining table tells the brain having a meal . If you eat while shopping or standing at the counter , you can quickly lose track of how much you've eaten Chewing good . Even if you eat a lot of walking eat Slowly , you can always feel that you have not had a meal and you eat later  .

3 - Serve small portions A clean plate is an incredibly powerful brand that food is finished . For this reason , a large portion sizes often lead to overeating simply because of our tendency to eat what's in front of us eat Slowly . You serve smaller as a reminder to take your time and savor every bite portions. Use small plates so that your brain does not receive the skinny parts .

4 - Remove distractions If you read or watch TV eat Slowly , do not care for the food you put in your mouth is provided. I know you're busy Chewing good  and you want to do many things, but resist the temptation for 15 minutes and eat a real meal . I admit I'm bad at this point, but still eat less if I go offline until you have eaten eat Slowly .

5 - Chew You might think that you chew your food, but there is a good chance that you swallow a lot of everything. Take smaller bites and chew food eat Slowly  . Consider the texture of what you eat and enjoy what is added to your meal. This is something I have to remember to eat right before , so I keep it on my list of things to do.

6 - Drink Another way can be forced to slow down to enjoy your drink consciously eat Slowly  through their food. This requires you to put your fork down Chewing good  , chew and swallow before eating more . It also adds liquid to your stomach and can help you feel more full. Water is a perfect choice , but Chewing good  wine drinking can even slow down your food.

7 - Put your fork classic recommendation eat Slowly  to put your fork (or sandwich) between mouthfuls stuck around for a very simple reason : it works. When we are not aware of how to eat with our hands shovel pass , where the holder is provided with another piece almost immediately after the last jump in eat Slowly the mouth. Put your fork required to relax a bit and focus on chewing that you already have .

8 - Have eat Slowly a conversation only has a mouth , and if you use it to talk is very hard to push food into it Chewing good . Eating with friends, have a great conversation and use this as an opportunity to reduce the speed of your mea eat Slowly.

9 - Eating with other slow eaters all have unconsciously imitating the people we are close to trend. If you are dining with a ferocious eater Chewing good , you might end up imitating their bad habit and eat fast to keep up . To make you eat more slowly eat Slowly , try to slow eaters influence instead.

10 - Do not eat when you are hungry Nothing makes me more likely to eat quickly to be hungry . But sooner or later occasion get the better of you and you hungrier  Chewing good than it should be will be . I always have almonds or walnuts with me for moments like this , and I like exactly 10 nuts help me out for an hour or two. After about 15-20 minutes eat Slowly, my hunger disappears enough for me to regain control of my progress .

11 - dim environment can have a big impact on our mental state Chewing good  , and you can set your mood dinner dimming lights or lighting candles. Dim lights induce inner calm eat Slowly and make it easier to reduce speed . On the other hand  eat Slowly, be careful when you eat under bright fluorescent lights because they can stimulate eating in excess frantic .

12 - Play soft and slow music , soft music can also help establish a proper diet pace. Type of Blue Miles Davis is one of my favorite albums of dinner. However eat Slowly, this trick only works if the music is actually slower than the natural rhythm of silent power Chewing good. If music is faster you can experience the opposite effect.

How to Eat Healthy, Top tips for healthy eating

Lack of time is one of the main reasons why many people give up on a healthy diet tips for healthy eating . Fast food is available and is cheap and abundant tempting. Though fast food is not as healthy as a well-planned balanced diet , if you eat fast food tips for healthy eating , you can easily take steps to improve the quality Healthy nutrition of their diet when on the run.
Look at the size of the portions. It's probably craving satisfied tips for healthy eating after finishing a small portion of fries, and save 100 calories compared to the giant order size. The same goes for the sandwiches. Order the regular version or even a child's meal by itself.
Looking deli style fast food chains where you can order a sub or sandwich on whole wheat bread or a wrap , low fat and low calorie fried foods tips for healthy eating .
Many fast food chains now offer healthy instead of the ubiquitous fried sides. Take the healthy option . Or if you can not bear to give up the fat and salt tips for healthy eating , getting around the healthy side , too Healthy nutrition .
Always order a salad when eating at traditional fast food tips for healthy eating . Be less likely to fill only unhealthy elements tips for healthy eating , and the salad will give you some fiber and vitamins to balance the meal with healthy habits an unhealthy character Healthy nutrition .
Remember that chicken is not always a healthy choice. Many fast food chains offer breaded fried chicken sandwiches on white bread that tips for healthy eating are actually richer in fat and calories than a hamburger. Grilled chicken is a better option .
Make a habit of eating a piece of fruit Healthy nutrition , a bowl of cereal or low-fat yogurt before shopping. Regular diet can help you feel full and avoid temptation healthy habits .
Stock your car with bottled water and snacks tips for healthy eating . Having a small snack before the cravings and you are less likely to throw in the output of the unit - through fast food.
Consider a Healthy nutrition supermarket to break their fast food tips for healthy eating . You can buy pre - cutting and washing fruits or vegetables, healthy habits low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese . Many supermarkets also offer sushi , wraps , salads , or other items prepared in good health .
Hold the mayo. One tablespoon of regular mayonnaise Healthy nutrition has almost 100 calories tips for healthy eating !
Do not add a rich calorie sweetened drink healthy habits and unhealthy food Healthy nutrition . Water is available everywhere and is good for you . Drink a full glass of water with your meals will help you feel full faster tips for healthy eating 

The importance of drinking water for your health


At the door of the airport, on the way back to the U.S. (Africa ), Water and Health the second security checkpoint confiscated 3 liters of water I'd bought in the main terminal . I exclaimed .

 I literally cried. Obviously , the security guard did not exactly understand the amount of water consumption in a 17-hour flight ( about 6 liters, which is great ) Water and Health . Water has always been my favorite beverage . It makes me feel good. I tell my clients to drink water if you have a desire  water for health, a headache , constipation , hunger, etc.

The water is so beneficial , so easy, so free and so easy to overlook Water and Health . It really is not rocket science (actually your brain is 90 % water). Your body is 70 % water drinking water , most of his blood and every cell of your body is water . Thus , you need water to function properly water for health.

I do not have a headache and no Tylenol, Advil, etc. I think it's because I drink enough water . Often they welcomed me clear my young skin. Once again Water and Health , I thank my water intake water for health!

As with most things , the amount of water each person is very individual Water and Health  , but if your urine is mostly clear or if you have any of the symptoms mentioned above , I, you most likely will not get enough HO Water and Health .

Some suggest 8 (8 -ounce) glasses a day , while others suggest taking your weight (in pounds ) divided in half and drink that many ounces water for health. Listen to what your body needs Water and Health .

If you do not care for the taste of ... nothing, then you can add a squeeze of lemon , a squeeze of lemon Water and Health  , a few sprigs of fresh mint or cucumber or a slice of orange . You can even have the audacity to add some berries or watermelon water for health. What ever happens to drink. Cheers to your good health Water and Health !

Top 10 Benefits of Drinking Water : Do not medicate , Hydration !

 1- increases energy and relieves fatigue - Because your brain is mostly water , the beverage helps to think , concentrate and focus better and be more alert Water and Health . As an added bonus , your energy levels soar !

. 2 promotes weight loss - Removes products from fat Water and Health , reduces food intake ( if consumed in filling your stomach before meals ) ,  water for health reduces hunger (Hello natural appetite suppressant !) Increases metabolism and zero calories !

3 - The elimination of toxins. Disposes of waste through sweat and urine Water and Health , which reduces the risk of kidney stones ( urinary tract infections ) TI .

 4- improves the skin tone - moisturize your skin , keeping you cool water for health , soft, radiant and smooth water for health  . Get rid of wrinkles. This is the best anti -aging treatment around!

 5 Maintains Regularity - aids in digestion that water water for health  is essential for digesting food and prevents constipation Strengthens the immune system

 6 -Drinking water Is less likely to get sick a glutton water Water and Health. And who would rather not feel healthy most of the time? Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu , cancer and other diseases , such as heart attacks.

7 Natural Headache Remedy - . Helps relieve and prevent Water and Health headaches (migraine and back pain too! ) Who are often caused by dehydration .

 8- prevents cramps and sprains - Proper hydration helps keep your joints and muscles lubricated by joint pain more elastic it is less likely Water and Health  .

9- puts you in a good mood - When the body is functioning at its best drinking water   water for health, you feel good and be happy!

10- Save money! - Water is FREE! Even if you choose / bottled filtered water, is still cheaper than the high sugar Water and Health and coffee with full fat milk !

Top hair health tips to More Attractive Hair, Love Your Hair

10 Natural Tips to improve hair health

health tips to healthy hair to hair growth.

Women used to have long luxurious hair using only natural methods and ingredients healthy hair.
, Thick, long flowing locks used to be much more common than we see today healthy hair  . Some practices that favored long hair , and wash your hair once a week, things are not likely to return anytime soon .
But we can look back and forward best practice healthy hair natural hair care for the best of what we have. XXXX Follow these tips from hair care to minimize breakage , health tips maximize growth and maintain once you get:

1) Brush your hair 100 times a night
There is a reason for the old wives tale of brushing hair 100 times a night ; It is very beneficial for healthy hair .
 Brushing hair with a good quality brush from root to tip distributes the natural oils of your hair down the hair shaft and makes it shinier, more manageable and less prone to breakage hair.  In fact, you may be able to remove some hair care products , if you spent time brushing 100 health tips strokes as recommended. Be sure to start your brush at the bottom of your hair, and gradually work your way ; which eliminates tangles and gently until you're just a good brushing from root to tip .

2) Use a boar bristle brush
Do not use brush strokes at 100 ... use a boar bristle brush . Boar brushes are more expensive than synthetic brushes, but dense brush and last for years healthy hair  . This dense construction is the secret of his power to remove dirt , health tips dust and debris and move your hair's natural oils along the hair shaft, health tips essentially giving a little more clean and hair shampoo ( you'll want to clean your boar bristle brush regularly because of it ) .
 Boar bristle brushes are hard but flexible bristles that are wonderful to tame and straighten curly hair yet. And do not worry , they will not pull your hair as long as you start at the bottom and slowly move your way until you can caress gently from root to tip youhealth tips .

3) Do not brush hair when wet :
Wet hair is weaker than dry hair , do not brush or never use a fine tooth comb hair when wethealth tips . After washing and towel dry hair, only use a wide tooth comb to detangle if necessary.

4) Police shampoo your business
Many people do not realize lax federal regulations on cosmetics, including shampoos ,  beyond the mandatory list of ingredients. Up to you to decide if the ingredients listed are safe for you .

 Many shampoos you buy at the store contain toxic ingredientshealthy hair  , and do not be fooled if the word "natural" on the bottlehealthy hair . The word " natural" is not regulated and anyone can use the wordhealthy hair  , no matter what the product contains.
Perfumes and artificial drying artificial colors and strong detergents can damage the hair  healthy hairhealthy hair ,health tips  which requires the purchase of " product" for additional correction damagehealthy hair  . Ingredients like sodium laurel sulfate , parabens and benzyl benzoate (and similar ) are some of the common shampoo ingredients that have been linked to cancer, skin irritation , and even birth defects  healthy hair.

But it's probably not a chemist healthy hair , so what do you do ? Look for ingredients that you can pronounce and know what they are. And fortunately , health tips there are online resources to evaluate the safety of the products we like Good Guide , which allows consumers to find the products that are healthy, safe , environmentally friendly ,  health tipssocially responsible and even .

The Good Guide covers everything from shampoo, food, electronics and even cars . Go to the GoodGuide and type " shampoo " in the search and see a list of commercial shampoos and qualifications.

Baking soda , white vinegar (you can also use apple cider vinegar ) and essential oils are an alternative to commercial and toxic shampoos health tips.

5 ) Avoid shampoo commercial
If you want to be really sure healthy hair , do not use commercial shampoos ; Some avoid using shampoo and wash your hair once with baking soda and vinegar see my article " Tips and tricks to get free shampoo " for more information on this met hod healthy hair . Please note that local water chemistry and hair are individual plays a role in this method, health tips and experimentation is needed to determine the amounts of each are the perfect combination for your hair.

If this seems dauntinghealthy hair  , you can make or buy their own bar shampoo or liquid castile soap . Bars of soap , shampoo usually do not contain the toxins found in commercial shampoos (but check the label ) and do as good ( or better) job to clean the hair.healthy hair  Liquid castile soap is packed and the process of washing hair with shampoo liquid, as it can be in liquid and bar is imitated .

6) Deep Condition once a week
A state of deep hot oil improves manageability and shine of hair , while reducing breakage ; is easy and it can be included in household chores healthy hair  . Simply take about 1 /4 cup favorite oil ( olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, etc. ) and heat until hot to the touch but not too hot to handle with your hands healthy hair . Once hot, saturate the hair with it healthy hair  , from root to tip, with your fingers. Do not be shy about it , after you wash it .
 Place all the hair on top of the head healthy hair , wrap your head in plastic wrap or use a shower cap healthy hair , then wrap the whole head in a towel health tips  . Plastic and trap heat towel around your head and let the oils penetrate the hair shaft . Idea healthy hair lly, you want to go out for a few hours healthy hair  , but even 30 minutes will help healthy hair  . When the time is up, wash as usual . You may need to wash twice to remove all the oil (if baking soda / vinegar is used to wash your hair, add some soda mixture liquid castile soap to remove cooking oil that is largely ) health tips .
Protein mask provided by eggs and other ingredients help to reduce frizz  healthy hair.

7) Add the protein for curly hair
If your hair is frizzy especially change the hot oil treatment with a protein mask once a week  .healthy hair Yellow Mix two eggs with a little warm water ( not hot, not to cook the eggs ) . Using your fingers, rub it into the scalp and hair. Wrap your head in plastic wrap or a shower cap , then wrap your head in a towel. Leave in hair for an hour, then rinse with hot water to cool (again, not to cook the egg ) . You can also use a mixture of bananas and avocados for this, or mayonnaise , it's just egg and oil to healthy hair.

8) Use leave in hair oil
A few drops are all you need (using more than just make your greasy hair unnecessarily ) for shine and reduce frizz healthy hair . There are hair oils on the market ( argan oil is now very popular) , but you can easily make your own olive oil and , if desired , a little essential oil health tips . Simply place two or three drops of oil into the palm of your hand , rub your hands and then smooth the hair , paying attention to the ends.
9) treat dandruff naturally : Unfortunately there is no cure for dandruff , a skin disease also known as seborrheic dermatitis. But you can treat dandruff control symptoms . If you want to avoid chemicals found in over-the - counter dandruff shampoos , health tips there are other things you can try.
Tea tree oil has been shownhealthy hair  that treatment of dandruff. Add about 20 drops of tea tree oil to your bottle of cleaner hair, or keep a bottle of tea tree oil in the shower and use two or more drops every time you wash your hair. Alternativelyhealthy hair  , you can also add about 20 drops of tea tree oil to 1/ 4 cup olive oil, rub it into the scalp , wrap your head and sleep on it health tips .
 Wash normally in the morning. It can be used as a treatment of " good start " for dandruff.
Apple cider vinegar is another safe option that has shown to help with dandruff. Apple cider vinegar Rub the scalp (diluted with 50% water if you have sensitive skin) , wrap the head with plastic or a shower cap and a towelhealthy hair . Let stand for about an hour , then wash . To do this once a week to keep dandruff under control.

If these options do not work, you can choose a bar of soap last tar fashion healthy hair  . Tar Soap has been used as an effective treatment for dandruff hundreds of years and is still recommended by dermatologists for certain skin diseases such as scabies and ringworm health tips . Tar soap is also recommended for the treatment of lice. But , in fact, based on carbon ; he can feel bad and can also stain blonde hair a darker color healthy hair.
It is used in low doses , health tips scientific studies have shown that tar soap is safe to treat real health problems , but can cause skin irritation in some people, and I personally do not use as last .

10) Eat to your hair
Her hair is a barometer of health if your hair is dull and lifeless healthy hair , healthy hair it could mean that your body is . In the past , people ate food that was closer to the ground as possible and you should too health tips .healthy hair Nutrition across the spectrum of colors ensures that you are getting the vitamins and minerals needed for healthy hair .

 A balanced diet, including healthy oils essential fatty acids is important for the health and shine . Make sure you regularly eat staple food like salmon , walnuts and yogurt , health tips sweet potatoes , spinach healthy hair  , blueberries, and a day to get the levels of protein, zinc healthy hair , vitamins and minerals needed for happy locks