Why do babies constantly crying at night?

Why do babies cry ?

Your baby can not do anything by itself why baby cry at night and depends on you to provide food baby constant crying, warmth and comfort they  babies cries need  baby not sleeping. Crying is a form of communication baby constant crying or all of these needs and ensure an answer from you to your baby .

Sometimes it's hard to know what your baby is telling you . But over time , you learn to recognize what your baby needs. And as your baby grows baby constant crying , you will learn other ways  to communicate  you baby crying all night babies cries . It will improve eye contact baby , smiling and making noises, reducing their need to scream for attention baby constant crying.

Meanwhile, if your baby is hard to soothe babies cries , it can be trying to say :

I'm hungry

Hunger is one of the most common reasons that your baby will mourn reasons baby crying all night. The younger the baby , the more likely  babies cries it is that you are hungry baby constant crying.

Small your baby's stomach can not hold much , if she cries , try adding a bit of milk. It may be hungry, but his last meal is not very long  baby constant crying. Chances are you will eat often and regularly on the first day or two babies cries to help your breast milk to come anyway baby crying all night. If you feed your baby formula can not be hungry when fed during the last two hours .

She can not help but mourn immediately , but we will keep the babies cries food if she wants .

I feel like mourn

If your baby is less than five months  baby constant crying, she can mourn the late afternoon and evening. This is normal and does not mean there is something wrong with your baby baby .

Unhappiness can go short periods of inconsolable crying for several hours baby constant crying . As she cries , the baby may become red babies cries and frustrated their efforts and refuse to comfort . Your baby may clench your fists, develop their knees or arching your back .

It's annoying when it seems babies cries baby constant crying you can not do anything to alleviate the anguish of your baby. However , it is difficult at this time , you can be sure that your baby will come out of this difficult time.

Persistent, inconsolable baby a healthy babies cries traditionally called colic . Some people also associated with wind and stomach cramps or digestive problems. They may be due to an allergy or intolerance to certain substances in breast milk or formula baby constant crying.

These days , however , we have a better babies cries understanding of how this model of infant crying is normal and is not necessarily linked to stomach problems.

Ronald Barr , an expert on crying baby baby constant crying , proposed a new term for this phase of mourn . Barr called the " period of PURPLE Crying ® " where the purple letters of support to the common features of crying babies cries. (This does not mean that your baby turns purple to mourn so strong ) baby constant crying .

The emphasis is on the word "period", you can be sure that the persistent crying does not last forever your baby.

Purple letters represent:
P for peak mourn : Your baby can mourn over a week baby constant crying , more than two months, then within  babies cries three months and five months.
U for unexpected: the crying can come and go and do not know why.
R for resists soothing : Your baby can not help but mourn baby crying all night , no matter what you try .
P face of pain , like a crying baby may look like she is babies cries in pain baby constant crying , even when it is not.
L for long life : weeping may last for several hours a day .
E for the night: your baby can mourn over the afternoon and evening .

Living with a crying baby regularly, inconsolable can be very stressful , but there are things you can do to help you deal with crying. Visit our  babies cries section below baby constant crying : " My baby is still crying I can do. ? "

I need to hear

Your baby will need a lot of hugging , physical contact to comfort and convenience .

So it may be that she just wants to be held babies cries. Try a sling to keep close to you , perhaps swaying and singing while holding her baby constant crying .

You may be worried about spoiling your baby if hugs too. However, during the first months of life, is not possible. Infants need a lot of physical comfort baby crying all night. If you hold your baby close , you can reassured to hear the heartbeat baby constant crying .

I'm tired and I need sleep

Often babies have trouble sleeping , especially if they are babies cries very tired baby constant crying. You soon realize the signs of sleep for your baby. Whine and mourn at the slightest thing , staring into space, and go quiet and still are just three examples .

If your baby has received much attention and petting  baby constant crying chickens visitors can become overestimated babies cries. So when it comes to sleep , she will struggle to turn and adjust. Take your baby somewhere quiet and peaceful to help solve .

I'm too cold or too hot

Your baby may hate being diapered baby constant crying or be bathed . It can not be used to the feeling of cold air on your skin and make it more well-cushioned and warm. But soon you will learn to make a layer of rapid change baby crying all night if this is the case babies cries.

Be careful not dress your baby too much, or it may become too hot baby constant crying  . Generally , you must use one more layer  babies cries of clothing that you are comfortable with.

Use sheets and cellular blankets as bedding in the crib or bassinet . You can check if your baby is too hot or too cold to feel your stomach babies cries. If your stomach feels too hot, remove a blanket, and if you feel cold , add one.

Do not go by the hands or the feet of her baby because usually feel fresh baby constant crying . Keep your baby's room at a temperature  babies cries of about 18 degrees C. Put to sleep on your back with your feet at the end of the bed baby crying all night. This way , you can not escape too under the covers and too hot.

I need my diaper

Your baby may protest if your  baby constant crying clothes babies cries are too tight or if a wet or dirty diaper is bothering him . Or she may not care if the diaper is full and you can even enjoy the warm and cozy feeling. But if the supply of your baby 's skin is irritated , it is likely that mourn .

I need something to make me feel better

Be aware of changes in your baby baby constant crying babies cries. If you are ill , she will probably mourn in a different tone to their usual cry . It may be smaller , more urgent , continuous , or acute . And if your baby cries a lot , but was unusually quiet , it can be a sign that is not right.

No one knows your baby as well as you  baby constant crying. If you feel there may be something wrong with it, call your doctor , midwife or health babies cries.

Health professionals always take their concerns seriously. Call your doctor if your baby has difficulty breathing through  baby constant crying crying or crying is accompanied by fever , vomiting , diarrhea or constipation baby crying all night.
My baby is still crying . What can I do ?

As gradually know the personality of your baby, you will learn techniques that work best for her. If a hug does not work, these tips can help  baby constant crying:

Find a constant noise

In the uterus (womb) , your baby could hear the beating of his heart baby constant crying , that's why she likes to be by your side now. There are other repetitive noises can also have a calming effect.

Regular washing rate, or the sound of a vacuum cleaner baby constant crying or hair dryer may lull your baby to sleep . But never put your baby in a washing machine or dryer baby crying all night, a simple accompaniment on the floor beside him.

You can also download the sounds babies cries of white noise or white noise APS for your phone, or buy a CD of white noise created for babies . These mimic the sounds of the uterus and can calm your baby mourn baby constant crying .

Rock- a- Bye Baby

Babies love to be rocked gently in general baby constant crying. You can:
Scenic rolling.
Sit with him in a rocking chair.
If she is old enough , sitting in a baby swing safety .
Take a ride in his car.
Take a walk in her stroller .

Try a massage or abdominal massage

The use of massage oil or cream and gently rub baby constant crying the back or stomach can help calm your baby . It can also make  babies cries you feel better because it is a convenient way to reduce distress your baby form . Ask your health visitor about local massage classes for babies.

Try a different position to

Some babies cry during or after meals . If you are breastfeeding , you may improve the way your baby is using to feed quietly without mourn .

If it looks painful to the wind flow , you can try feeding in a more upright position. Burp your baby after feeding by holding it against his shoulder baby crying all night. If your baby cries just after a feed , you might still be hungry .

Let her suck on something

In some children, the need is very strong suction baby constant crying . Sucking the breast during lactation, a clean finger or a model can bring great baby crying all night comfort. Comfort sucking can stabilize the heartbeat of a baby, relax your stomach and help them settle .

Take a hot bath

A warm bath can  baby constant crying soothe your baby and help calm . Check the water temperature before placing it inside babies cries. But note that you can  baby crying all night also make it more mourn . Over time, you will learn about the likes and dislikes of your baby.

Do not ask too much of you

If your newborn cries almost constantly baby constant crying , never hurt durable. But it is likely that you and your partner a great source of stress and anxiety cause . If she is happy and resists all efforts to calm down, you can feel rejected and frustrated. But you are not the cause of her tears , do not blame you .

If you come across the immediate needs of your baby and tried everything baby constant crying I can to calm her, but nothing has worked , it's time to take care of yourself :
Put your baby in his crib and let him mourn for a short period of their hearing range . Breathe deeply.
Put some soft music and let it relax for a moment or two baby crying all night.
If you and your baby are both annoying and you have tried everything , it makes sense to call a friend or family member for support. Take a break and let someone else take over for a while.
Talk to your doctor about adaptation strategies and local support groups or parent groups - baby. This way , you can share your feelings and talk about ways to deal with other new parents.
Call a helpline. Cry - sis offers a helpline on 0845 1228 669 for parents  baby constant crying of babies who have trouble sleeping or crying too much service.

Remember that everything goes baby constant crying well with your baby and crying will do no harm . Sometimes just accept that babies cries you have a baby who cries a lot can help. You will not be able to then focus on finding reasons to mourn , blame you for it , or try endless potential remedies .

This crying is a phase that will pass baby constant crying. Newborns are hard work. Being a parent newborn crying is much harder work. But trying to get help and support when you need it , instead of letting things pile up baby constant crying.

Make sure your baby grows , you will learn new ways to communicate their needs to you. And when this happens baby constant crying babies cries , tears will stop

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