You Must be Healthy diet when pregnant

Should I eat differently now that I'm pregnant?
Now that you are one healthy diet while pregnant , it is important that  healthy pregnant diet the mother - to-be to eat well. This will ensure that you get all the nutrients you and your developing baby needs Healthy diet when pregnant.

If your diet is poor to begin with, it is even more important to ensure that you have a healthy diet now . You need more healthy pregnant diet vitamins and minerals , including folic acid and iron Healthy diet when pregnant.

Need a little more calories during pregnancy as well Healthy diet when pregnant. Make your food law for pregnancy is more about how what  healthy pregnant diet you eat Healthy diet when pregnant. Limit junk food because it has a lot of calories with little or no nutrients healthy diet while pregnant.

Eat a variety of foods from the different food groups every day Healthy diet when pregnant :

Milk and dairy products: skim milk , yogurt / curd , buttermilk ( coach ) , cottage cheese ( pander ) . These foods are rich in calcium, protein and vitamin B-12. Talk to your doctor about what to eat if you are lactose intolerant .
Cereals , whole grains, deals , legumes and nuts : they are a good source  healthy diet while pregnant protein if you do not eat meat. Vegetarians need about 45 grams of walnuts and 2/ 3 of a cup of legumes for protein each day. An egg is considered equivalent to about 28 grams of meat Healthy diet when pregnant , chicken or fish 14 g of nuts, or ¼ cup of legumes Healthy diet when pregnant.
Vegetables: These provide vitamins , minerals and fiber.
Meat, fish and poultry Healthy diet when pregnant : provide concentrated  healthy pregnant diet protein Healthy diet when pregnant .

Fluids: Drink plenty of fluids , especially water and natural juices Healthy diet when pregnant. Be sure to drink boiled water or filtered clean healthy diet while pregnant. Bring your own water when out of the house, or buy bottled water from a reputable brand healthy pregnant diet . Most diseases are caused by water-borne virus Healthy diet when pregnant. Drink plenty of bottled juices , as they have a high sugar content .
Fats and Oils : Ghee , butter, coconut milk and oil are high in saturated fats Healthy diet when pregnant, which are not very healthy . Pantsuit Oil is rich in trans fatty acids Healthy diet when pregnant, which are as bad for you as saturated fats healthy diet while pregnant. A vegetable fat source is because these oils contain more unsaturated fats.

Dairy products and marine fish and dizzied salt or sea salt are good sources of iodine. A large amount of iodine is needed in your diet to help your baby's development Healthy diet when pregnant.
I need to eat more now that I'm pregnant  healthy diet while pregnant?
Although everyone advises you to eat for two healthy pregnant diet , the average woman does not need extra calories during the first six months of pregnancy Healthy diet when pregnant. Your body actually becomes healthy diet while pregnant more efficient at extracting energy and nutrients from your diet when you are pregnant Healthy diet when pregnant.

Although recent research suggests that a pregnant mother needs only 200 extra calories a day in your last trimester , most doctors recommend 300 extra calories Healthy diet when pregnant per day in the second and third quarters healthy diet while pregnant.

But you may need more or less calories if you were underweight or overweight before pregnancy or are pregnant with more than one baby . Your doctor may recommend the number of calories that is best for you during your pregnancy Healthy diet when pregnant.

You can add an  Healthy diet when pregnant healthy diet while pregnant additional 200 calories to your daily diet :

2 roots without ghee
One plain doss with coconut chutney Tablespoon of coconut
Two bananas
2 scrambled eggs

Your own appetite is the best indication healthy diet while pregnant of the amount of food you need to eat and can fluctuate during pregnancy include:

In the first few weeks , you may not want to eat proper meals , especially if you suffer from nausea or sickness. So try to eat, but more often throughout the day smaller meals .
In the central part of your pregnancy Healthy diet when pregnant, your appetite may return Healthy diet when pregnant. You may be hungry and want to eat more than usual healthy pregnant diet .
Towards the end of your pregnancy, your appetite will likely increase healthy diet while pregnant. If you suffer from heartburn, heartburn or a feeling of fullness after eating  Healthy diet when pregnant, it may be helpful to have small frequent meals find .

The best rule is to eat when hungry , and make healthy foods instead of high calorie foods with little nutritional value.
Are there foods I should not eat during pregnancy?
There are certain foods that you have to keep away Healthy diet when pregnant from pregnancy because it could  healthy diet while pregnant be dangerous for your baby:

Raw ( buffalo or cow's milk ) and dairy products made from raw milk that are not safe during pregnancy milk. They are more likely to contain bacteria that could give you food poisoning . You are more vulnerable to food poisoning during pregnancy healthy pregnant diet. While eating out Healthy diet when pregnant, avoid cottage healthy diet while pregnant cheese ( pander ) and pander tasks preparations as soon as snacks can be difficult to tell if the pander is fine.

White rind cheeses , such as Brie and Camembert and blue cheeses . Also stay away from soft cheeses made from raw milk , such as sheep and goats. All these cheeses can contain listener. Listener can cause an infection called illustrious Healthy diet when pregnant, which can harm your baby .
Raw or undercooked meat , poultry and eggs. These can contain harmful bacteria. Cook meat until no pink bits left. Cook eggs until firm well healthy diet while pregnant.

Raw seafood , such as sushi or raw oysters .
Large predatory fish such as shark and swordfish , as it may contain dangerous levels of mercury. These fish absorb mercury from polluted waters. Mercury binds strongly to proteins in fish muscle and remains there even after cooking fish .
Transformed or canned fish often kept in saline (saline)healthy diet while pregnant , which can lead to water retention . Drain canned fish well, and turned the fish occasionally .
Alcoholic beverages. Drinking too much alcohol can cause physical defects , learning disabilities and emotional problems in children. So many experts recommend that you give alcohol during pregnancy.
Reduce caffeine intake .

 Drinking more than 200 MGM of caffeine per day increases the risk of low birth weight and Miscarriage Healthy diet when pregnant. No more than two cups of instant coffee healthy diet while pregnant, or two cups of tea or five cans of cola a day.

Should I take supplements during pregnancy?

Morning sickness or food aversions can make healthy pregnant diet it hard to eat well during pregnancy . A supplement of vitamins and minerals can be a good idea to help you get all the vitamins and minerals you need Healthy diet when pregnant.

Folic acid is especially important healthy diet while pregnant. Your doctor recommends that you take 5 MGM of folic acid in a supplement at least until the 12th week of pregnancy. Lack of vitamin B has been associated with neural tube birth defects such as spinal biffed.

You may also need to healthy diet while pregnant take iron supplements. Your doctor will check your iron levels regularly and advise you on how much to take Healthy diet when pregnant.

Talk to your doctor about your diet if:

You're a vegan
You have gestational diabetes
You have anemia
You have a history of babies with low birth weight Healthy diet when pregnant.

In these cases, you may need vitamins and minerals, or may need to follow a special diet.

Remember, however, that more is not always better Healthy diet when pregnant. Very high doses of vitamins healthy pregnant diet and minerals healthy diet while pregnant can be harmful to your baby.
 Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or tablets healthy diet while pregnant, even if they are herbal Healthy diet when pregnant.

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