The Best 10 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Top 10 Tips for Healthy Pregnancy

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During pregnancy , some issues will be as important as your physical and emotional wellbeing. Not only will you see your obstetrician with astonishing regularity and frequency , but - perhaps to their surprise - growing your abdomen may also become the topic of conversation polished as those around you more interested in how you do having a healthy pregnancy.
With all the changes taking place in your health (and by association , the health of your baby) deserves to be protected and nurtured during this memorable time. But once it is discovered that almost everything you do affects your baby, you will probably feel a lot of pressure to do things and sure to bring a healthy baby to term.
Cautionary tales aside , pregnancy can pack joy  having a healthy pregnancy, fear and excitement within nine months. While you are busy preparing to embark on an exercise routine or renewed craving caffeine kick , make sure to take some time "Zen " for you. After all  healthy pregnancy, taking time for yourself is part of the preparation for parenthood .
So meditating in pregnancy - or maturity - here are 10 tips to scan. Wondering exactly how to get ready for pregnancy ? Read on to learn about a plan of action.


Ideally, the preparation of a baby begins at least three months prior to conception . Why so soon? The better your health, the health of your baby is likely to be healthy pregnancy.
Visit your gynecologist is one of the first steps in planning a healthy pregnancy. During your appointment, you will discuss your family and personal health history and medications the doctor should make sure their vaccinations are current , including rubella and chickenpox  having a healthy pregnancy, which are live virus vaccines should not be administered during pregnancy
Expect some recommendations for changes in lifestyle  healthy pregnancy, too. If you live with a domestic cat , you will be informed give away rights having a healthy pregnancy . It is a parasite in cat feces can cause taxonomists - an infection that can be fatal to the development of babies . For the same reason , you are warned to wear gloves while gardening and avoid eating undercooked meat .
You will probably receive a prescription for prenatal vitamins healthy pregnancy or recommendations for an ETC version will give you enough to increase the nutrients your body needs healthy pregnancy. Note that all multivitamins are the same: You need at least 400 micrograms of folic taken daily at least one month before conception and continues through the prenatal and postnatal periods of acid
Your preconception planning should include a visit to the dentist to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy . Accumulating evidence suggests that periodontal disease makes women more likely to have premature babies or low birth weight

No overestimated

Although pregnancy can be exciting, but also requires a lot of physical and emotional changes . Reaching a bottle of ibuprofen is no longer healthy pregnancy just a woman looking for headache relief . Everything you eat , including drugs affect your baby . When a drug enters the bloodstream, crosses the placenta healthy pregnancy and enters the system of your baby, too .
What medications are safe during pregnancy? There are no easy answers. U.S. Safety labels Food and Drug Administration for prescription drugs , ranging from antibiotics to antidepressants , according to the following system: A, B , C , D or X Your doctor will help you determine what drugs are recommended during pregnancy.
In general, class A drugs showed no risk to the fetus  healthy pregnancy. Class B drugs , including ibuprofen , are not expected to pose a risk to the fetus. Class C drugs can cause complications for the baby in the womb healthy pregnancy, but really have not been studied in people. Category D medicine , including chemotherapy agents , present different risks to health, but can still be used in some cases. Category X drugs are known to cause birth defects and should never be used during pregnancy
Over-the - counter medications require a similar review . Get approval from your doctor before taking them , and if you believe that homeopathic healthy pregnancy remedies are safe or still keep these substances cross the placenta and affect your baby . If in doubt , consult your doctor .
Wondering how to feed a healthy pregnancy when green at the gills ?

Eat your vegetables

During pregnancy , what you eat and drink is the main source of nutrition for your baby. Fill your refrigerator and pantry with foods rich in nutrients to healthy pregnancy ensure you get the boost you need during pregnancy , namely - BE , BIB , iron, calcium and folic acid.
You should start in the produce section . Bananas and whole grains are rich in vitamin BE, encourage the formation of red blood cells. Sweet potatoes have vitamin for bone growth . Spinach and salmon are full of calcium healthy pregnancy, which helps to prevent bone loss during pregnancy and facilitates the growth of the bones of your developing baby does not like something on this short list of foods " power"? Do not worry . There are many substitutions to get the nutrition you need .
If you think that taking a prenatal vitamin every day to their nutritional needs covered , think again. Your body - and your baby  healthy pregnancy- just needs more nutrition from a vitamin can offer. For example , you will not get the recommended amount of calcium in a single daily dose of prenatal vitamin amount . Why? If included healthy pregnancy, the pill is too big to swallow While supplies prenatal vitamins with folic acid and other nutrients to help prevent birth defects , be sure to eat a supplementary feeding to stimulate the growth of your baby and protect their own health .
What foods can pose a risk to the health of your baby? Then we will discover some of the dangerous ingredients to avoid  healthy pregnancy.

Steer clear of dangerous ingredients

Your first prenatal examination can not take place until well into the first quarter , but this period is a crucial stage in the development occurs Knowing this , you need to stay away from potentially toxic ingredients healthy pregnancy. Many hide dangerous ingredients in everyday foods . You want to avoid foods that may be contaminated with Listener , a bacterium that can cross the placenta and cause miscarriage unless they are made ​​from pastured milk, imported soft cheeses such as Brie , Camembert and feta are on this list . Raw eggs , fish , poultry , beef and pork should not be eaten either healthy pregnancy.
Stay away from raw meat is usually not difficult for a pregnant woman, often uncomfortable , woman. But when you are hit with a craving for sashimi or homemade ice cream ( which often contains raw eggs ) , can be easy to forget the risks of other foods, such as certain types of fish and shellfish can contain high levels of mercury and should be eaten with shortages
You should also avoid alcohol and cigarette smoke healthy pregnancy . Both substances cross the placental barrier and may cause damage to coffee consumption , however , received mixed reviews. Although caffeine blood goes directly to your baby , many women continue to drink coffee during pregnancy. In small amounts , caffeine seems fine healthy pregnancy. A 5 oz cup of coffee has about 180 milliards of caffeine , so a cup a day should not cause too much concern

Let cravings

Pickles? Ice cream ? How cliche ! For many pregnant women, however , these and other great high in fat , sugar and salt are a reality. Before overcoming guilt at the thought of fuel the growth of your baby with fries , take note  : it is OK to satisfy some desires  healthy pregnancy, as long as you eat a balanced diet first .
Perhaps his desire to let you know if you are lacking a certain nutrient. The answer is a resounding " maybe." Next time you reach for a bag of pretzels, your body may be craving extra sodium necessary to balance the extra fluids caused by pregnancy . However, his wish may be related : A woman ice crunches may actually have anemia - a condition ice cubes do nothing to appease
For most , cravings are harmless. But if you start to collect the non-food items , trouble is brewing . Eat items such as chalk , charcoal , dirt or toothpaste indicates a condition known as "pica . " Although researchers suspect it may be caused by the lack of a certain vitamin or mineral in your body, this condition can be dangerous for you and your baby. Not only do these non-food items can be potentially toxic or contain parasites, can reduce your body - and your baby - the ability to absorb nutrients from the foods you should eat healthy pregnancy .
Exercise can stop thinking about anxiety and help relieve a number of complaints tips to a healthy pregnancy. Read on to learn how and why remain flexible

Keep moving

Not only is it safer ( once the "forward" from your doctor) to exercise during pregnancy, it is a good idea. A solid 30 minutes of exercise a day can help reduce back pain and constipation - the two most common complaints of pregnancy. It can also help you sleep better and improve your posture and mood , two things that tend to decrease as the pregnancy progresses .
Working during pregnancy promotes muscle tone and strength  , helps deal with the pain of labor and allows to recover after pregnancy. Exercise, especially the type that includes fresh air, can even help ease morning sickness
Some exercises such as walking, yoga, swimming and low impact aerobics are ideal even for beginners . Activities such as running can be safe for mothers and babies, but only if you already do regularly before getting pregnant  , and you may have to change the unit. The key to safe exercise , whatever your fitness level during pregnancy having a healthy pregnancy, is to know the signs of exhaustion. Read on to discover what to watch

Do not worry too

When you are pregnant, life does not stop. When overcome fatigue usually caused by the first trimester , you may feel ready to take on the world . Furthermore, there is an additional incentive : A period happens in a few months .
This may address the recreation and projects has been delayed until now . The good news is that keeping your mind and hands busy can calm nerves before parenthood. You also get a sense of accomplishment when crossing things off your pre -baby- do list .
While there is nothing wrong with extra work or home project, you will want to find a rhythm that suits your pregnancy tips to a healthy pregnancy. It is important to know when you're about to do too much - physically or mentally. If you start to feel dizzy or weak, then stop and rest. It is a sign that your body needs more oxygen-rich blood as it can not keep pace with your business.
Some breathing is normal lung space is replaced with the new baby home. Inability to catch your breath , however , is another story . This means that you need to calm your activity level. And if your heart rate above 140 beats per minute tips to a healthy pregnancy , rest until it returns to normal
Make sure you get enough sleep can go a long way to feed your daily activities having a healthy pregnancy. On the next page , learn some tips to get some shut eye tips to a healthy pregnancy.

Sleep Easy

Pregnancy fatigue often takes a brief respite during the second quarter , then back (often with a vengeance ) in the third quarter. You need at least eight or nine hours of sleep to have enough energy for the day may be helpful to take a nap, even for 20 minutes during lunch .
Ironically , although it can hope to pass the first trimester of pregnancy in bed , pressing the third quarter , it becomes more difficult to sleep comfortably for long periods of time. If upside down once , you should now understand how you feel in a different position. Lying on the left side optimizes blood flow to you and your baby. Try propping a pillow between the knees to support the widening pelvis and place near your belly for comfort
If you really can not sleep at night tips to a healthy pregnancy - what with the extra trips to the bathroom and heartburn - try to rest more often during a period of 24 hours. Napping at lunch, after work and during the evening news added. You can also ease your mind  , which can help you rest better at night, too

Calm Common Complaints

Of course , there is much to be thankful during pregnancy. The acidity and the dozen other disadvantages that women with more experience , however , are not on this list.
Heartburn can occur at any time during pregnancy tips to a healthy pregnancy , but is more likely to occur as your belly grows . A lot of the hormone progesterone slows digestion and lost touch time keep your stomach acids to seep into the esophagi. To combat heartburn, eat small meals and walk for an hour after leaving the table . If heartburn bothers you at night , use pillows to sleep in an inclined position. Over- the- counter medications for heartburn are usually good, but you should check with your doctor to make sure
Annoying leg cramps may become more frequent in the second and third quarters . There are a number of reasons for the increased frequency of mild dehydration pressure putting the baby on the spinal nerves . The good news is that with a little forethought tips to a healthy pregnancy, these can help prevent muscle cramps. Stretch your legs is a good preventative measure , but do not point fingers , because it can trigger a cramp. Exercise ( even walking ) should help. Massaging the legs, take a hot bath or using a heating pad can also provide some relief
If you are worried about the pain, and then give up the heels, buy a mattress and keep your posture in check. Beat back pain requires many minutes throughout having a healthy pregnancy the day and night settings tips to a healthy pregnancy . Do not bend the keyboard and make sure to stretch your muscles from time to time

Zen baby

Nine months can seem to stretch to infinity when you're anxious to know your baby , but the delay also allows time at home in his new role as a parent. If you are stressed - about pregnancy , birth , life , work and the inevitable adjustments that occur within their extended family - it can affect your baby . The constant or sudden stress can cause premature labor because it releases a hormonal trigger contraction tips to a healthy pregnancy. Chronic stress can lead to a weakened immune system for you and a low birth weight baby
The stress level is too much? It is a difficult decision. Navigating the demands of work and family life can be difficult, but for some women tips to a healthy pregnancy , leaving job oriented period during the months of pre - baby break can be so stressful  having a healthy pregnancy. It's all in how you deal with it.
If you often feel anxious, confused or crying, then it's time to seek help. In the long run , learning to manage stress during pregnancy is good practice for parenthood . Learn to prioritize, cultivate a support network and make a conscious  tips to a healthy pregnancy effort to relax, either by prenatal massage or just some quiet " me" time . You will be well on your way to a balanced life as a new mom .

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