For your health,How To Become A Slow Eater

for reasons in this picture you must be eat slowly Below:

12 tips to eat slowly:

1 - Practice Eating quickly a habit that must be broken eat Slowly  . Make it a point to practice mindful eating by scheduling your day. Write in your calendar, leave notes on your fridge and we will send reminders before meals until the new  habits become automatic Chewing good . Habits usually take 3-4 weeks to develop, here are some eat Slowly  tips on how to develop conscious eating habits.

2 - Sit Sitting at a table in a dining table tells the brain having a meal . If you eat while shopping or standing at the counter , you can quickly lose track of how much you've eaten Chewing good . Even if you eat a lot of walking eat Slowly , you can always feel that you have not had a meal and you eat later  .

3 - Serve small portions A clean plate is an incredibly powerful brand that food is finished . For this reason , a large portion sizes often lead to overeating simply because of our tendency to eat what's in front of us eat Slowly . You serve smaller as a reminder to take your time and savor every bite portions. Use small plates so that your brain does not receive the skinny parts .

4 - Remove distractions If you read or watch TV eat Slowly , do not care for the food you put in your mouth is provided. I know you're busy Chewing good  and you want to do many things, but resist the temptation for 15 minutes and eat a real meal . I admit I'm bad at this point, but still eat less if I go offline until you have eaten eat Slowly .

5 - Chew You might think that you chew your food, but there is a good chance that you swallow a lot of everything. Take smaller bites and chew food eat Slowly  . Consider the texture of what you eat and enjoy what is added to your meal. This is something I have to remember to eat right before , so I keep it on my list of things to do.

6 - Drink Another way can be forced to slow down to enjoy your drink consciously eat Slowly  through their food. This requires you to put your fork down Chewing good  , chew and swallow before eating more . It also adds liquid to your stomach and can help you feel more full. Water is a perfect choice , but Chewing good  wine drinking can even slow down your food.

7 - Put your fork classic recommendation eat Slowly  to put your fork (or sandwich) between mouthfuls stuck around for a very simple reason : it works. When we are not aware of how to eat with our hands shovel pass , where the holder is provided with another piece almost immediately after the last jump in eat Slowly the mouth. Put your fork required to relax a bit and focus on chewing that you already have .

8 - Have eat Slowly a conversation only has a mouth , and if you use it to talk is very hard to push food into it Chewing good . Eating with friends, have a great conversation and use this as an opportunity to reduce the speed of your mea eat Slowly.

9 - Eating with other slow eaters all have unconsciously imitating the people we are close to trend. If you are dining with a ferocious eater Chewing good , you might end up imitating their bad habit and eat fast to keep up . To make you eat more slowly eat Slowly , try to slow eaters influence instead.

10 - Do not eat when you are hungry Nothing makes me more likely to eat quickly to be hungry . But sooner or later occasion get the better of you and you hungrier  Chewing good than it should be will be . I always have almonds or walnuts with me for moments like this , and I like exactly 10 nuts help me out for an hour or two. After about 15-20 minutes eat Slowly, my hunger disappears enough for me to regain control of my progress .

11 - dim environment can have a big impact on our mental state Chewing good  , and you can set your mood dinner dimming lights or lighting candles. Dim lights induce inner calm eat Slowly and make it easier to reduce speed . On the other hand  eat Slowly, be careful when you eat under bright fluorescent lights because they can stimulate eating in excess frantic .

12 - Play soft and slow music , soft music can also help establish a proper diet pace. Type of Blue Miles Davis is one of my favorite albums of dinner. However eat Slowly, this trick only works if the music is actually slower than the natural rhythm of silent power Chewing good. If music is faster you can experience the opposite effect.

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