The best Tips for men for a healthy life

It's very exciting that our health - and our ability to stay strong and live longer Tips for men  - is not just a matter of our genes healthy life for men  or our luck . Here are two things you can do to take charge of your health. You can take a quiz to see how much you  healthy life for men  know about the health of men, and can also take some simple measures to support your health , your family and your future healthy tips .

Eat healthy.Nutritious foods that give you energy Tips for men and can reduce the risk of certain diseases. Focus on fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low-fat or nonfat dairy products . Learn the basics of nutrition and how to read food labels.

Maintain Tips for men a healthy weight. Being overweight or Tips for men  obese can increase your risk of diabetes , hypertension , heart disease and stroke. Find your BMI external website, or BMI, to see if you are at risk . Eat healthy foods, control your portion sizes , and physical activity to keep your weight under control.

Move. Regular exercise is one of the most important things you can do for your health things . Find out how much physical activity you need Tips for men.
Be smoke-free . Smoking is linked to many of the leading causes of death, such as cancer, lung disease and stroke Tips for men . If you smoke  healthy life for men  , quit today! Also, avoid secondhand smoke.

Get independent and projections. Ask your doctor how often you should be tested . Learn about testing for certain diseases and conditions, such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes Tips for men , sexually transmitted infections Tips for men  , and certain cancers .
Take all medications you need. Thousands of deaths could be prevented each year by the proper execution of medicines. Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions for all products , including those that help control conditions such as hypertension and diabetes healthy tips . Learn more about drug safety .

Avoid alcohol abuse healthy life for men  . Alcohol abuse can lead to many problems , including high blood pressure, various cancers , psychological problems Tips for men , and accidents. For men 65 years or younger , moderate drinking means no more than two drinks a day . Men over 65 should have no more than one drink a day Tips for men . Discover lots of drinks healthy life for men  .
Manage stress . The balance between work and family Tips for men  can be difficult. But it is important to protect your mental healthy tips and physical health. Find healthy ways to deal with stress.
Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can affect your mood and your health. Try some changes that can improve your sleep Tips for men  . Consult your doctor if you think you have a serious problem. Sleep apnea , a common problem in which breathing stops briefly , may increase the risk of accidents and health problems.

Know your risks . Find out how your lifestyle affects your risk of health problems. For example , people who work Tips for men with healthy life for men   certain chemicals must take protective measures , and men who have sex with men should talk to their doctor  healthy life for men  about specific concerns . You should also keep a record of your medical and Tips for men family to share with your medical history.

Stay safe . Safety devices many things healthy tips , such as the use of seat belts and helmets, with working smoke detectors Tips for men , and following safety rules  healthy life for men  . It also means that the use of condoms , wash your hands healthy tips, taking care of your teeth and use sunscreen healthy life for men  . Take steps to protect yourself and others Tips for men .

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