Top hair health tips to More Attractive Hair, Love Your Hair

10 Natural Tips to improve hair health

health tips to healthy hair to hair growth.

Women used to have long luxurious hair using only natural methods and ingredients healthy hair.
, Thick, long flowing locks used to be much more common than we see today healthy hair  . Some practices that favored long hair , and wash your hair once a week, things are not likely to return anytime soon .
But we can look back and forward best practice healthy hair natural hair care for the best of what we have. XXXX Follow these tips from hair care to minimize breakage , health tips maximize growth and maintain once you get:

1) Brush your hair 100 times a night
There is a reason for the old wives tale of brushing hair 100 times a night ; It is very beneficial for healthy hair .
 Brushing hair with a good quality brush from root to tip distributes the natural oils of your hair down the hair shaft and makes it shinier, more manageable and less prone to breakage hair.  In fact, you may be able to remove some hair care products , if you spent time brushing 100 health tips strokes as recommended. Be sure to start your brush at the bottom of your hair, and gradually work your way ; which eliminates tangles and gently until you're just a good brushing from root to tip .

2) Use a boar bristle brush
Do not use brush strokes at 100 ... use a boar bristle brush . Boar brushes are more expensive than synthetic brushes, but dense brush and last for years healthy hair  . This dense construction is the secret of his power to remove dirt , health tips dust and debris and move your hair's natural oils along the hair shaft, health tips essentially giving a little more clean and hair shampoo ( you'll want to clean your boar bristle brush regularly because of it ) .
 Boar bristle brushes are hard but flexible bristles that are wonderful to tame and straighten curly hair yet. And do not worry , they will not pull your hair as long as you start at the bottom and slowly move your way until you can caress gently from root to tip youhealth tips .

3) Do not brush hair when wet :
Wet hair is weaker than dry hair , do not brush or never use a fine tooth comb hair when wethealth tips . After washing and towel dry hair, only use a wide tooth comb to detangle if necessary.

4) Police shampoo your business
Many people do not realize lax federal regulations on cosmetics, including shampoos ,  beyond the mandatory list of ingredients. Up to you to decide if the ingredients listed are safe for you .

 Many shampoos you buy at the store contain toxic ingredientshealthy hair  , and do not be fooled if the word "natural" on the bottlehealthy hair . The word " natural" is not regulated and anyone can use the wordhealthy hair  , no matter what the product contains.
Perfumes and artificial drying artificial colors and strong detergents can damage the hair  healthy hairhealthy hair ,health tips  which requires the purchase of " product" for additional correction damagehealthy hair  . Ingredients like sodium laurel sulfate , parabens and benzyl benzoate (and similar ) are some of the common shampoo ingredients that have been linked to cancer, skin irritation , and even birth defects  healthy hair.

But it's probably not a chemist healthy hair , so what do you do ? Look for ingredients that you can pronounce and know what they are. And fortunately , health tips there are online resources to evaluate the safety of the products we like Good Guide , which allows consumers to find the products that are healthy, safe , environmentally friendly ,  health tipssocially responsible and even .

The Good Guide covers everything from shampoo, food, electronics and even cars . Go to the GoodGuide and type " shampoo " in the search and see a list of commercial shampoos and qualifications.

Baking soda , white vinegar (you can also use apple cider vinegar ) and essential oils are an alternative to commercial and toxic shampoos health tips.

5 ) Avoid shampoo commercial
If you want to be really sure healthy hair , do not use commercial shampoos ; Some avoid using shampoo and wash your hair once with baking soda and vinegar see my article " Tips and tricks to get free shampoo " for more information on this met hod healthy hair . Please note that local water chemistry and hair are individual plays a role in this method, health tips and experimentation is needed to determine the amounts of each are the perfect combination for your hair.

If this seems dauntinghealthy hair  , you can make or buy their own bar shampoo or liquid castile soap . Bars of soap , shampoo usually do not contain the toxins found in commercial shampoos (but check the label ) and do as good ( or better) job to clean the hair.healthy hair  Liquid castile soap is packed and the process of washing hair with shampoo liquid, as it can be in liquid and bar is imitated .

6) Deep Condition once a week
A state of deep hot oil improves manageability and shine of hair , while reducing breakage ; is easy and it can be included in household chores healthy hair  . Simply take about 1 /4 cup favorite oil ( olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, etc. ) and heat until hot to the touch but not too hot to handle with your hands healthy hair . Once hot, saturate the hair with it healthy hair  , from root to tip, with your fingers. Do not be shy about it , after you wash it .
 Place all the hair on top of the head healthy hair , wrap your head in plastic wrap or use a shower cap healthy hair , then wrap the whole head in a towel health tips  . Plastic and trap heat towel around your head and let the oils penetrate the hair shaft . Idea healthy hair lly, you want to go out for a few hours healthy hair  , but even 30 minutes will help healthy hair  . When the time is up, wash as usual . You may need to wash twice to remove all the oil (if baking soda / vinegar is used to wash your hair, add some soda mixture liquid castile soap to remove cooking oil that is largely ) health tips .
Protein mask provided by eggs and other ingredients help to reduce frizz  healthy hair.

7) Add the protein for curly hair
If your hair is frizzy especially change the hot oil treatment with a protein mask once a week  .healthy hair Yellow Mix two eggs with a little warm water ( not hot, not to cook the eggs ) . Using your fingers, rub it into the scalp and hair. Wrap your head in plastic wrap or a shower cap , then wrap your head in a towel. Leave in hair for an hour, then rinse with hot water to cool (again, not to cook the egg ) . You can also use a mixture of bananas and avocados for this, or mayonnaise , it's just egg and oil to healthy hair.

8) Use leave in hair oil
A few drops are all you need (using more than just make your greasy hair unnecessarily ) for shine and reduce frizz healthy hair . There are hair oils on the market ( argan oil is now very popular) , but you can easily make your own olive oil and , if desired , a little essential oil health tips . Simply place two or three drops of oil into the palm of your hand , rub your hands and then smooth the hair , paying attention to the ends.
9) treat dandruff naturally : Unfortunately there is no cure for dandruff , a skin disease also known as seborrheic dermatitis. But you can treat dandruff control symptoms . If you want to avoid chemicals found in over-the - counter dandruff shampoos , health tips there are other things you can try.
Tea tree oil has been shownhealthy hair  that treatment of dandruff. Add about 20 drops of tea tree oil to your bottle of cleaner hair, or keep a bottle of tea tree oil in the shower and use two or more drops every time you wash your hair. Alternativelyhealthy hair  , you can also add about 20 drops of tea tree oil to 1/ 4 cup olive oil, rub it into the scalp , wrap your head and sleep on it health tips .
 Wash normally in the morning. It can be used as a treatment of " good start " for dandruff.
Apple cider vinegar is another safe option that has shown to help with dandruff. Apple cider vinegar Rub the scalp (diluted with 50% water if you have sensitive skin) , wrap the head with plastic or a shower cap and a towelhealthy hair . Let stand for about an hour , then wash . To do this once a week to keep dandruff under control.

If these options do not work, you can choose a bar of soap last tar fashion healthy hair  . Tar Soap has been used as an effective treatment for dandruff hundreds of years and is still recommended by dermatologists for certain skin diseases such as scabies and ringworm health tips . Tar soap is also recommended for the treatment of lice. But , in fact, based on carbon ; he can feel bad and can also stain blonde hair a darker color healthy hair.
It is used in low doses , health tips scientific studies have shown that tar soap is safe to treat real health problems , but can cause skin irritation in some people, and I personally do not use as last .

10) Eat to your hair
Her hair is a barometer of health if your hair is dull and lifeless healthy hair , healthy hair it could mean that your body is . In the past , people ate food that was closer to the ground as possible and you should too health tips .healthy hair Nutrition across the spectrum of colors ensures that you are getting the vitamins and minerals needed for healthy hair .

 A balanced diet, including healthy oils essential fatty acids is important for the health and shine . Make sure you regularly eat staple food like salmon , walnuts and yogurt , health tips sweet potatoes , spinach healthy hair  , blueberries, and a day to get the levels of protein, zinc healthy hair , vitamins and minerals needed for happy locks

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